Remarkable Progress Documented in New UA Factbook (2013-2014)

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Some highlights: </p>

<p>The avg. ACT for Fall 2013 was 26.2. It was only 23.5 in Fall 2000. When I atttended UA in the late 80s and early 90s, I believe the avg. ACT was only 22.5. </p>

<p>The acceptance rate for Fall 2013 was 56.5%. It was 86.7% in 2003. </p>

<p>This last Fall, 6,478 undergrads enrolled at UA. In 2001,only 2423 undergrads enrolled. </p>

<p>The Honors Program keeps growing and growing. </p>

<p>College of Engineering has experienced dramatic growth. </p>

<p>There is also a lot of info about percentage of out of state grads in the overall university, the Honors Program, etc. This is a great resource for those seeking the most recently updated info about UA. How can we pin it? </p>

<p>Thanks for posting! Really interesting info!</p>

<p>Loved seeing the scholarship $$$ increase from 47 million in 2009 to 101 million in 2013! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I wish UA would put these facts into a commercial, in front of various campus images. The numbers don’t lie.</p>

<p>UA just keeps getting better and better!</p>

<p>Atlanta68, good point. </p>