Remedial classes?

<p>okay so me and my friend want to know what is the difference between him taking remedial classes in a junior college or in a California state college.
Does anyone know??</p>

<p>No difference? You are just making up credits. Doesn’t matter where you do it, as far as I know. </p>

<p>Can you even take remedial classes at a California state college? I’ve never heard of that. Usually kids that fail regular courses at my school take summer school (if it is offered, stupid budget cuts). I feel like the course will be cheaper and easier at a community college.</p>

<p>well i herd that when you take remedial classes at csu, it is only like one class you make up, and that at a junior college you have to take several remedial classes. I do not know if that is true though.</p>

<p>I don’t think that’s true. They are going to be worth the same amount of credit hours most likely. People are probably just being snobbish towards community college. Ask your guidance counselor to be sure, but as far as I know, you can get by with community college to make up credits.</p>

<p>ya see i asked her today, and she said that at junior colleges it takes longer to finish remedial classes and at a four year it is only one class you have to take</p>

<p>Huh… Well, I guess take the class at a csu then. Good luck.</p>