Reminder to check on Holds before registering

<p>Just a reminder to have your student check on any registration holds on their account prior to registration this week. Look in mybama, under Student tab, far left, “registration status”. My S had an advising session some weeks ago now, but he STILL had an advising hold showing as of this morning, which told him he could not register until he had met with an advisor. He finally got it taken off later today after he reminded them that his advising session was already completed in early March. </p>

<p>Also, every semester, UA requires that students update their personal information prior to registration (phone #s emergency contacts, etc.). If there is a class that you’re dying to get into, and you have to be the first one logging in your time slot, you can speed up the reg process by taking care of this ‘updating’ process ahead of time. This is especially true at BamaBound - have your student go into the registration page early, and it will ask them to update their contact info, etc. Then, when the actual reg time slot officially opens up, they will be able to do so immediately, without having to click additional screens asking for updated parent info.</p>

<p>Good luck to every returning student at registration this week!</p>

<p>DS registration status looks like this</p>

<pre><code>Advising Status: You must see your advisor prior to registration.
You have no Holds which prevent registration.
Your Academic Standing is Good Standing which permits registration.
Your Student Status permits registration.

<p>There is a warning triangle on the first line, which is bolded so I assume is the heading, and green check marks on the other lines. The triangle is confusing me. Is he ready to register?</p>

<p>That’s the advising “hold” I’m talking about. I do not believe it will go away on its own, as my S first suggested. Did your S have an individual or a group advising session? It may be that the group advisees were a problem and didn’t get ‘un-held’? I’d play it safe and get it checked out.</p>

<p>DS had individual advising. Has the triangle disappeared in your DS status?</p>

<p>My son has all green checkmarks and no triangle… I would have your son call or stop by today :)</p>

<p>My DS “registration status” list looks like this:</p>

<p>Registration time listed…
Advising status: Advising requirement cleared
You have no holds…
Your academic standing is good…
Your student status permits registration…</p>

<p>I had group advising, and mine was cleared with no problems. They lift the holds based on the yellow advising forms they keep from the sessions, so if they misplaced or never received an advising form from your student (with CWID), that might be why there are still holds.</p>

<p>AeroMom, thanks for the advice for those of us preparing for Bama Bound registration regarding updating personal information. If you have any other helpful “tidbits” please share! S’13 will be registering for Civil Eng, CBHP. Thank you!!</p>

<p>Glad to hear your son will be joining us in CBH, SpaceCoastMom! :)</p>

<p>One bit of advice from me: have him bring a tablet/smartphone on the day that he registers. They lifted the hold an hour before we went to register, and I was able to get all of my classes (engineering included) by registering on my iPod Touch during before our morning session was even in full swing! ;)</p>

<p>AMCM: Yes, my S’s triangle disappeared, and he has all green check marks now. I think they just lost his paperwork, or something, as TNTide suggested. (I actually haven’t talked with him to find out exactly what the reason was - he just told me he “had it under control”, and obviously whatever he did, worked.) Have your S go in or at least call advising.</p>