Renounce AP credit by taking science courses again?

<p>Hi all:
I have AP credit covering the first HALF of introductory chemistry and physics. However, I am wondering 2 things:</p>

<p>1.) Since I already have AP credit for those first halves, does jumping straight into the second half and finishing count towards the 'full-year' chem and physics premed requirements?</p>

<p>2.) Retake those sections covered by AP credit or skip into the ensuing section? I'm considering retaking the first halves/terms of chem and physics because I'd like to completely familiarize with the fundamental chem and physics concepts, but if I skip those sections, I have room in my schedule to explore in other subjects (history, economics, etc...) because I'm not 100% certain about medical school.</p>

<p>Any thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated!!!!</p>

<p>You should retake the first course of the series - most med schools don’t accept AP credit towards pre-reqs and require a year of college work.</p>

<p>Use the AP for what it’s purpose is. Take a more advanced course instead of the basic course. You may learn more and it will look better.</p>

<p>BUT You also answered your own question. Take the exploration of other subjects. That is what college is about. If you then decide that medicine is what you want, then take the more advanced course. That is the purpose of APs - to allow you to do more than the minimum college requirements. I look more highly on someone who has a broader education.</p>