<p>From your guys' experience, is renting a better option than purchasing textbooks? I'm a new freshman and I hear that often times, lots of textbooks are under-utilized so I don't really want to buy a whole textbook just for the one chapter the class will be going over if you know what I mean. But is purchasing just better anyways, especially if you can get a good price on it at Half Price or some other source besides the University Book Store, haha?</p>
<p>In addition, I have one small side-question, I am taking Chem 142 and it requires Futura Lab goggles. However, I still have my Chemistry goggles from 10th grade in high school so wouldn't those just do? They're in good condition and I don't see why I would buy another pair of goggles if I already have working ones.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help. :)</p>