Repeating a class

<p>Thankfully, this is not applying to son, but we have friends in this situation, unfortunately.</p>

<p>If one does not pass a class at Bama, and retakes it at a local college during the summer, how does Bama handle that grade? Is it dropped and replaced, or do both grades show up on the transcript?</p>

<p>How is the GPA calculated in regards to scholarship requirements when this occurs? Will the grade at the local university help a student retain their scholarship if the failed course puts them in danger of losing a scholarship?</p>

<p>While we’re on that subject, do students get a probationary period for retaining a scholarship? </p>

<p>I’m talking about a full tuition, I believe it’s called a Presidential scholarship, as well as an engineering scholarship.</p>

<p>Thanks for any input.</p>

<p>You might need to email the school and ask so that you know that you have accurate info.</p>

<p>I’ll definitely recommend our friend do that, but I was wondering if anyone had experience with this. Especially with so many premed majors on the forum, back in my day, lots of the premeds retook classes, especially ochem, to improve their grade for med school acceptance, so I was hoping to hear some anecdotal information.</p>

<p>There is a probationary period for a student if he is on scholarship. If he is in the honors college, he must reach the required 3.3 GPA mark. He is given at least one semester to do so.</p>

<p>My son had a friend who failed a class. She did not lose her Presidential scholarship immediately. She was given every opportunity to bring up her grades, and in fact, she even went to summer school last year and took three classes.</p>

<p>Oh…for a pre-med</p>

<p>Even if the school agrees to “replace” the grade with a retake for GPA purposes (don’t know if Bama does that), it stays on the transcript and for med school apps, the two grades are “averaged”…so if grade 1 is an F and grade 2 is an A, it averages to a C.</p>

<p>I’m hoping that this class doesn’t fall in the Bio, Chem, Physics, Math category. What class is it?</p>

<p>And…if it was from THIS semester, can the student do the final and bring the grade up?</p>

<p>Looks like the friend is getting a C- and is opting not to take the final, as he’s failed every test. Good to know there’s a probationary period for the scholarship, as this is at least his second C. He’s a great tester and tested out of most of the core courses that could have boosted his GPA, had he taken them, so he’s got few As to start off with.</p>