Repeating a course and transferring?

<p>So I'm currently a Pre-Nursing major at a CSU and am looking to transfer to a different school to complete the nursing portion of my college education (I've already finished my GEs and prerequisites). The problem is, most nursing schools have prereqs. that I don't fit, because I had one bad semester where things were rocky in my life, in which I ended up earning C's in 2 of my science prereq. classes. My school won't let me retake a class unless we bomb it, meaning if I want a different grade, I'll have to take it a different school (probably a CC).
My question is, if I do retake one of my science courses at a CC and earn a better grade, will the school I transfer/apply to take that grade into consideration (in regards to overall science GPA and letter grade), or will they merely look at the original grade I got at the CSU?</p>

<p>Each place sets its own policy about this kind of thing. You really have to ask the transfer admissions office(s) at the place(s) you plan to apply to.</p>