Report AP scores to UC application or not?


My Senior has 6 AP scores and they are not so great (3s and 4s). But they are good enough to receive the AP scholar with distinction award.

On UC Berkeley admission site, it states that they look at applicants’ AP scores for their admission decision. My S is thinking not to report the scores. Instead, list the AP award in UC application’s Activity section.

  1. Will not reporting scores but listing the award only affect UCB admission chance negatively? Has anyone done? result?

  2. In my research, no other UCs besides UCB look at AP scores for their admissions? Is my understanding correct?

Thanks for your help!


Forwarding the response to another ….


3 UC campuses have stated either on their websites or on a podcast that they consider AP scores in the admission review: UCB, UCLA and UCI. The AP scores are used for a verification of the AP course grades, adding context to the course grades and readiness in that subject area.

I feel that if the applicant will receive credit for the AP scores, go ahead and report but you should do what you feel is best for the applicant.

Edited: If a student is denied at UC, it will not be for 3’s and 4’s on their AP exams.


Just adding that I understand if a student doesn’t want to include a 3, but I wouldn’t consider a 4 to be a bad score.


My daughter did not submit a single AP test score. She just moved into her dorm at UC Berkeley…


Our student reported both 3’s and 4’s to UCB and was accepted - but as mentioned, not likely on the basis of any AP scores…


Thank you all so much for the responses!

@islandmama1 , Are your students the class of 2027? (In other word, did they apply this past fall?)

@Gumbymom , I don’t know what was stated on UCB admission website for the last admission cycle, but did UCB (and the other) say they would value AP test sores last year as well, do you know?


On the UCB website, this statement is listed on Freshman selection. Since SAT subject tests are no longer available, it may not be updated but AP scores have been listed as criteria for many years.

  • Your scores on AP or IB exams and SAT subject exams

Again, as noted by different posters, AP scores do not appear to be a deciding factor in admission decisions, just one of many areas of review.


I see no point in listing 3’s on the app. List the 4’s. I probably wouldn’t bother listing the AP scholar with distinction award, but I also don’t think it will make a difference. If your student gets in and wants to get credit for the 3’s (if the college offers credit for 3’s), they can be submitted later.


I wouldn’t list the AP distinction award either unless it’s a rare occurrence for your school. At my son’s school it was very commonplace.


The UCs have space for 20 Activities & Awards. I don’t see the AP distinction award as a significant value added, but I would include it if the other option is leaving a space blank.


Yes, she is an entering freshman, accepted in the last cycle. I imagine having several strong AP test scores could potentially help an application, but it would seem that not having AP test scores does not hurt an application. So I personally wouldn’t stress too much about it.

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Yes, class of 2027.

Thanks for all your response!

@Lindagaf, I would agree reporting 4s might be a good idea. But by reporting 4s (three courses) without the AP award, would they possibly think the other three scores are worse than actual scores (like 1 or 2)?

Can I ask why you would report 4s but not AP scholar with distinction award?

(PS. S has good GPAs (all UC capped, non-capped, unweighted within upper UC ranges), so S thinks/hopes that just reporting the AP award can make all the scores vague and it might make his application look better… what do you think?)

@worriedmomucb @islandmama1
Thanks for sharing your students’ cases and congrats!

Do you remember if the admission site stated that they would look at AP test scores in your students’ admission cycle? I am confused why they state they value AP scores then…

AP scholar with distinction requires at least five scores of 3 or higher. If the applicant with such an award reports fewer than five scores, then a reasonable assumption is that there are five minus the number reported scores of 3, so that trying to hide the scores of 3 would not work in this case.

As to whether a score of 3 helps, hurts, or is neutral, it is not known, and may depend on the context.


Yes, it stated that last year as well. But that is just one part of an application. And my guess, as I said above, is that good scores could potentially help, but I don’t think a lack of scores really hurts. Regardless, holistic review means that they are looking at all parts of an application and AP scores are one of many factors they consider when trying to get a sense of who the student is and what they might contribute to the campus community.

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Take this for what it’s worth, but I got into every single UC except Berkeley. And I didn’t submit any of my AP exam scores.


One, the award is not significant. Two, if the award is listed, then they know that some scores weren’t reported. It’s more conspicuous to point that out.

Many people take AP classes but don’t necessarily take the tests. If the score isn’t there, they aren’t likely to think about it. But if you’re telling them there’s an award for taking a lot of AP tests, then they might wonder.


Thanks all! Glad I asked here. No award mentioned then!

@Lindagaf , You suggest to report 4s earlier. Would you still suggest to report three 4s or no scores at all like some of the others mentioned?

What about this: 4 scores that are 5s (language and humanities courses) and one 3 in a STEM subject for a STEM major with extra classes taken in that subject (but that subject not taught as an AP at school, so doing the AP test flying blind, as it were).

Would it be best to avoid the AP scholar with distinction and just list the 4 scores of 5? Only 5 AP tests were taken in total.