Reporting AMC/AIME Scores


I’m applying to MIT as a math major, and I’ve qualified for the AIME 4 times. However, my scores have decreased over time: 6, 5, 3, then 2. I’m planning to report all of the AMC 10/12s I took, but I was wondering which of these AIME scores I should report to MIT, especially since I’m applying as a math major.

I was incredibly sick when I took the most recent AIME (where I received a 2), so is there a way I could mention that on my application? Or should I mention all of these AIME scores except the 2? In that case, I’d mention that I took the AIME and not provide a score, but I don’t know if MIT would find it suspicious that I didn’t mention the score, and they might be disappointed/upset if they check with MAA and realize my recent score was actually a 2 when I didn’t report.


Tagging @hebegebe to get his input. This is his area of expertise.

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It’s been a few years since my son applied, so I don’t know what the current MIT application form looks like. If possible, I would simply write down 4xAIME qualifier and put down your best AIME score.


They now have space to report as many AMC/AIME scores as you like (was limited to two each four years ago) as well as USA(J)MO scores (this is new).


Hello, just checking with @hebegebe if you have any advice? If not, no worries!

Now that Vulcan has explained the current application inputs, I recommend you put down all four AMC scores, and then report the 6 and 5.

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Thank you, I will do that! Will MIT find it suspicious if I don’t report my two most recent ones (3 & 2)?

They will assume you have presented your best scores. They won’t worry about the rest.

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