reporting extracurriculars

<p>okay so i already applied and got in to UCLA, and i did so honestly. but really though, if they dont check to see if you actually did your EC's, doesnt it give liars a huge advantage over those who filled out their app honestly? just a thought.</p>

<p>perhaps. but they do random checks after accepting students, asking you to verify with a signature from an official</p>

<p>they discourage lying by randomly selecting 10% of the applicant pool to verify their ECs/Awards.</p>

<p>does this stop it completely? no.</p>

<p>but all you believers in murphy's law know that if you lie on your app, chances are that you will get picked (even though statistically the odds are actually in your favor)</p>

<p>ah i see. well isnt it fairly easy to forge if theres only a signature?</p>

<p>at least its not a total lying competition -_-.</p>

<p>If you put it on your application you better make sure you can prove it. You shouldn't worry now because the check is in the fall. They review you before forwarding your UC application to the different campuses. But they'll ask you for proof such as letters from school officials or yearbook pictures or certs to prove you were actually on the school team, or you were this leadership position or not. It's not worth risking it. Come to think about it, it's like paying your taxes. The IRS does random checks on a small % of the population.</p>

<p>lol, well i knew a few friends who graduated in past years who totally bs'd their volunteer hours, so i was just curious.</p>