Reporting Foreign Language and community college courses


My son has taken foreign language classes in a school district approved institute. That means the classes show up on his high school transcript.

But these classes don’t show up in the school’s A-G list (as checked on the UC A-G site).

  1. Does this mean his LOTE requirement is not satisfied?

  2. Any idea how these classes are supposed to be reported on the UC app? SInce these classes don’t up in the auto filled list of courses, should it go under “I don’t see my courses” or should it go in the his Activities area?

  3. My son has taken a class at a Ohlone college, " CS101 : Introduction to Computers and Information Technology", which shows up in the ohlone courses list in the UC application, but this course is not in the A-G website;academicYearId=17

He is not sure about how to enter the grades for this course ;
Since it is not in the A-G list, can he not list this class?
What subject area would this class belong to?

I have been going back and forth with UC app support people for a couple of weeks. Utterly unhelpful.
Their last advice was to list the foreign language class in the International exams tab under IGCSE!!! They don’t seem to have a clue.

Any info appreciated.

Hopefully you figured out the solution and everything is resolved.

Sorry I did not see the post earlier but I would have manually added these under Foreign Language category.

For the Computer course, I would list it manually under Category G- College Prep.