Reporting LIVE from A Day Game Day!

<p>It’s 10am and there are thousands on The Quad. The restaurants have food booths and food trucks set up and everyone is chowing down.</p>

<p>I’ll report more in a bit.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>standing by Denny Chimes waiting for AJ, CC Mosely, and Kevin Norwood to put their 2014 Captains hands in the newly poured cement</p>

<p>I was supposed to be there but have an illness in the family.</p>

<p>I wish I was there too!! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I hope you’re having as much fun as we are! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Atlanta, hope your family member feels better. </p>

<p>Thanks so much, he is better.</p>