<p>Sorry it’s confusing–the question wasn’t what to do if all scores of everything are required or if all scores of either the SAT <em>or</em> ACT were required. It was, basically, what to do when you have to send all scores of either the SAT or ACT, and all scores of both if you send any of both. So someone with a nice score on the ACT and on the SAT subject tests but not quite as nice a score on the SAT reasoning test has to make this decision: Is it worth sending all the SAT scores (reasoning and subject tests), in addition to the ACT score, just so the admissions committees will see the SAT subject test scores? It really is a dilemma, and quite a few people have clearly been in the same situation. You actually do have a choice, but you have to make the “right” decision. That’s why it’s so much easier when schools either give you no choice (i.e., send us all of everything you’ve ever taken from both the SAT and the ACT) or give you a freer version of the policy above and allow you to send either (a) the SAT reasoning test plus 2 subject tests <em>or</em> (b) the ACT test plus optional SAT subject tests, if you want to send them (without requiring you to <em>also</em> send the SAT reasoning test if you opt to send the subject tests). Some schools have the latter policy, which I personally feel is the best.</p>
<p>Bottom line is that all your scores are strong. Send them all.</p>
<p>Update: Thanks, everyone. I decided to send them–everywhere. I was able to talk to another high-up admissions official, who said they were all great scores and there was no reason not to send the SAT I scores (contradicting what the other admissions person had said). I also learned that at least one school, and I’m guessing maybe a lot of them, has a program that chooses a student’s “best” subtest scores not only within different sittings of a particular test (say, the SAT) but also <em>between</em> the SAT I and ACT! For me, this was an important piece of information, because what I view as the most important subtest score of the ACT was a slightly lower percentile than the equivalent subtest score of the SAT I. Good luck to anyone else grappling with the same decision! </p>