Reputation of Purdue

<p>Ok, so I got into Purdue and so did almost each and every one of my friend. I am thinking of joining Purdue but do you think that Purdue has a reputation of admitting almost every international student that applies. I mean that is the reputation of Purdue here in India. </p>

<p>Does Purdue have like a really huge international crowd or is it just like every other university ? </p>

<p>People even say that Purdue is ranked higher than it should be. Is it true ? Is the engineering programme really good or is it average like Virginia tech or Penn state or some school like that ?</p>

<p>Any help regarding the above would be appreciated.</p>

<p></a> - Indianapolis Business Journal - Story Detail</p>

Purdue and Indiana universities have become magnets for international students. Purdue is third in foreign student enrollment among all U.S. private and public colleges and universities. Indiana is No. 15.


<p>You are confusing selectivity with the strength of the program. a lot of students come into First Year Engineering but do not graduate as an engineer. the program is extremely rigorous. In my opinion, Purdue is actually UNDERRATED because it is not as selective in admissions. I would compare Purdue to Georgia Tech, Michigan and MIT before I would compare it to Penn State or Virginia Tech. People here on College Confidential are actually quite elitist; they tend to believe that the amount of students who get rejected correlates to higher academics... in purdue's case, this is false.</p>

<p>Purdue, just recently, made admissions a bit harder and more selective. For once, you actually have to try to get in. Also, I don't think Purdue is really THAT great of an engineering school, however its alumni base is quite large which helps when you want to get a job. On both coasts of the U.S., Purdue is highly regarded, and considered an Ivy school almost. Purdue is ridiculously overrated everywhere but in the midwest. Some programs/disciplines of engineering at Purdue are more difficult to get in than others as you advance thru your college years.</p>

so thats why defense contractors said it was the best school they hire from..... because its not "really THAT great"? seriously, dude? don't waste my time....</p>


<p>There are a lot of people from India at Purdue. I believe this is because the school has some sort of extra-relations with India somehow, though I’m not quite sure why or how. With that said, there are a lot of international students in general at Purdue - more than at most other U.S. universities. As far as the school being overrated, I agree that that is a perception that exists because of the high admissions rates. Purdue tends to admit more people and then fail them, as opposed to some schools who require higher admissions standards and then pass them. Let there be no mistake, many people who get into first year engineering at Purdue never make it to the second year - and fewer still will actually graduate in engineering. Michigan and UIUC are seen as peer schools to Purdue, not VT or PS, and most employers do not differentiate between the three. Graduating with a Purdue engineering degree will make you competitive for any engineering job in the country - provided your grades are good. </p>

<p>If there are so many people who go to Purdue from India, why don’t you ask them what their perception of the program was while they were there? I would highly advise that you to consider not only the reputation of Purdue in the U.S., but also consider the reputation in India. This is because it will be very hard to get a job in the U.S. upon graduation. U.S. employers have many restrictions on hiring foreign students, so unless you are at the top of the class it will be very hard to find a job here when you’re done… Just something to keep in mind.</p>

<p>I love it when people rattle off specific facts about defense contractors and Purdue without quoting any source(s). How convincing.</p>

<p>I think that when compared to Virginia Tech and Penn State. Purdue does not have a significant edge on those engineering programs. All 3 of those schools are around the same level in terms of engineering reputation.</p>


<p>I was wondering how you know about Purdue's engineering program? Did you ever go there?</p>


<p>That is slightly rediculous from my perspective. I am from FL and I had never in my life heard anything about VT or PS engineering, yet I heard about Purdue engineering ever since I became interested in engineering. Purdue is known nationally for engineering, both on the west and east coast, and in the south. I know this because I have lived in all of them.</p>

<p>Swimboy ... here you go. you can read it if you want to. Purdue</a> top pick of aerospace, defense industry recruiters </p>

<p>"Purdue University is the top choice of recruiters from the aerospace and defense industries, a new study by Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine finds."</p>

<p>well considering that Purdue is #10 and VT is in the top 15 according to US News, I wouldn't think there's such a big difference</p>

<p>I think that Purdue probably isn't as highly regarded because lots of rankings take admissions criteria into perspective ie acceptance rates and SAT/ACT scores and high school GPA of accepted students. Because Purdue has an 80% acceptance rate, within those statistics you have lots of people who don't belong there who get in and subsequently don't graduate which skews results. I think rankings should look at graduates and how much money they make 1 year out of college, 10 years, and 20 years and see what employers say about them. Does it really matter what kids did in high school when you're looking at if a college is a good investment? I would rather look at what I'm paying for in terms of earning potential.</p>

<p>I am not saying that VT or PS are bad schools... My point was referring to engineering reputation. When it comes to US News ranking you have to consider your own personal experience with things along with the rankings. A few spots can separate schools that are in completely different leagues in terms of reputation. For instance, I could hardly justify saying that UMich or UIUC are anywhere near as reputed as MIT, yet they are very closely ranked. Purdue is tied with Cornell, yet obviously Cornell is a more reputed school. And UIUC is ranked ahead of Cornell - which in my opinion it would be hard to find anyone on the coasts who know anything about UIUC - it is primarily known well in the Midwest and that is it.</p>

<p>My point is really that they are all very good schools. If you look at the people who actually graduate from any of them - they will be nearly the same caliber of people. However, in terms of national recognition and reputation there are very large differences between them - and those differences can often be what open up doors for you in the future. I doubt that there is a very substantial difference in any of the top 30 schools in terms of the quality of education and the material learned, the difference really lies in the reputation of the school.</p>


<p>I am, in fact, currently a student attending Purdue. And I typed this message you are reading via on one of their slow computers in one of their many hideously designed libraries.</p>

<p>and CY,
Thanks for the source.</p>

<p>I spoke to many people who study in Purdue and are from the same town as I am from. They say that almost everyone from India gets accepted into Purdue, Purdue is sometimes like a "Mini-India".
But what i wanted to ask is is the Purdue Engineering Degree as good as Georgia Tech, UIUC and UMich or is it of a lower degree like VT or PS ? Cause the rankings suggest that the degree as good as GTech and UMich but what I have heard i think it is as good as VT or PS. </p>

<p>PURDUEFRANK - I don't want to directly get a job after getting a bachelors degree I will definitely do my masters and then get a job if i want to stay in the US. But as far as I know students on F1 Visa re allowed to do a job for 12 months before returning back to their country.</p>

<p>To the OP,</p>

<p>"Is the engineering programme really good or is it average like Virginia tech or Penn state or some school like that ?"</p>

<p>I am not sure who you have been talking to, but I would not consider Virginia Tech or Penn State "average" in engineering. I am not sure about VT, but Penn State University Park has numerous programs in the top in engineering.</p>


<p>"I would compare Purdue to Georgia Tech, Michigan and MIT before I would compare it to Penn State or Virginia Tech. People here on College Confidential are actually quite elitist; they tend to believe that the amount of students who get rejected correlates to higher academics... in purdue's case, this is false. "</p>

<p>Seriously? Purdue is nowhere close to those schools. It does not even make the top half of the Big Ten. It is well behind Northwestern, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Penn State UP, and Ohio State. It's a good school, but you might not want to be the pot calling the kettle black with your unfounded sense of elitism.</p>

<p>^^^^^^wow. i don't really know what to say to that. your comment is blatantly false, jec7483. you should probably do some research before you make remarks that lack merit. i don't know how you could think that OSU, PSU, or Wisc have better engineering programs than Purdue. please base your opinions on facts before you give faulty information to the students on this forum.</p>

<p>... and how do i have an "unfounded sense of elitism"? seriously, man. just quit now.</p>

<p>purdue engineering is definitely comparable to any top 10 engineering school in the country and attracts recruits from many elite companies. if you do well in engineering, you will get a good job with good starting pay comparable to any school that's not HYP or MIT etc. i do think that vtech is up there in engineering too. i haven't heard many people mention penn state when they mention top engineering schools. same goes for wisconsin tho i know it's a good school.</p>

<p>If you're an international or minority student, now is the time to apply to Purdue!!! The new President has made it her goal to increase Purdue's rankings for those students to make Purdue THE GLOBAL UNIVERSITY.....too bad that Indiana's taxpayers are footing the bill for this. My son has excellent grades and test scores but has been denied admission to WL campus...too many white boys at Purdue, I guess!! (but we'll admit him as a transfer student from a regional campus....can you smell rankings games???) They ought to be ashamed of themselves.....</p>

<p>jec - I meant VT is average compared to HYP or MIT, Caltech, berkeley, etc. </p>

<p>I meant to compare Purdue to UIUC UMich, Georgia Tech, etc. </p>