Reputation outside of South

<p>We all know Alabama is a huge football school but what is it’s academic reputation? I have offers at other, more prestigious schools but they’d cost me a little more than UA would, for I have a full ride+ at UA.</p>

<p>I really don’t want to live in Alabama the rest of my life so do you think that a degree from UA will be good enough to get a job outside of Alabama? (i will graduate with both normal honors and international honors)</p>

<p>A degree from a flagship univ is going to be respected in virtually any field. What is your career goal?</p>

<p>It always amazes me when someone that has brains, in the form of high test scores, that is graciously awarded a “full ride+” scholarship at a respected state flagship, asks a question or two that are totally lacking in proper decorum.</p>

<p>Do some research — and, in life, keep in mind the audience of which you inquire. The people on this board will help you if you don’t insult them first.</p>

<p>It’s absurd to think that any Bama grad would somehow have to live in Alabama for the rest of their lives… it’s a flagship state university with many brilliant kids with different career goals.</p>

<p>With 34 years in Department of Defense and traveling all over the world – I can assure you that UA is HIGHLY thought of as an academic institution – and I’ve seen many UA degree holders in careers all over the USA and even over seas. It is on par with and above many state flagship universities.</p>

<p>Do all UMich grads live in michigan? NO, I rest my case.</p>

<p>I think if the rep of UA on the CC boards is any indication of the rep in the general population, UA is looking good.</p>

<p>I’m not saying all UA graduates stay in-state, I just know that a high percentage of them do, and I don’t want to be in that percentage. The only people i know that graduated from UA, live in Alabama.</p>

<p>@BamaAF thank you so much for your input! that makes me feel so much better about my possible attendance next fall.</p>

<p>@M2CK I would like be an accountant, ideally an International Accountant. I know of Alabama’s ranked business program. </p>

<p>@fiveunderpar i apologize if insulted you but my scholarship isn’t from NMF if that’s what you’re so upset about. I have brains outside of high test scores, especially considering my test scores aren’t that high.</p>

<p>You’ll be fine if you want to be an accountant. I don’t think the problem is getting a job out of state, the problem is the EASE of getting a job out of state. For instance, if you want to work in the midwest, more midwestern recruiters are going to visit Illinois and Wisconsin than visit Alabama. That doesn’t mean you won’t get a job in the midwest, or that employers in the midwest don’t have a high regard for Alabama - they just get less bank for their buck recruiting down south where not as many students are headed their way. So you will have to work harder for the midwestern job - you’ll have to seek them out as opposed to conveniently finding them interviewing on campus. However, the Big 4 are going to recruit all over (they love state flagships) and even if it’s the Birmingham office that’s on campus, they can do a first interview and refer you to another office.</p>

<p>scorpiochik do you like in alabama?</p>

<p>IMHO, you should be thinking about what YOU are going to do with your next four years. That is what will make or break your future inside, or outside of Alabama.</p>

<p>Ditto to Beth’s mom. DS is also OOS and we considered that as well. A couple of people in his interest area indicated that his degree from UA is not an elimination (his level of accomplishments count). However, since they don’t get many prospects from there “it isn’t economically feasible to send representatives” so he will have to take the initiative to contact them. That looks even better to them, “this is a person who has real interest in our company.” IT’S WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT.</p>

<p>Since most grads of a flagship (any flagship) often are from the actual state, you will find that many settle there because that is where family is. However, that doesn’t mean that the OOS students or instate students who want to live/work elsewhere have problems doing so. </p>

<p>And, certainly since many Bama grads get accepted to grad schools all over the country, their degrees are accepted/respected.</p>

<p>Scorpio…how are you getting a “free ride”? Is it as a National Achievement Scholar? If so, congrats.</p>

<p>@fiveunderpar. “keep in mind the audience of which you inquire. The people on this board will help you if you don’t insult them first.” </p>

<p>Get off your high horse. ScorpioChik was simply, as the title of her post states, inquiring about the reputation of Bama outside of the South. And actually, given the current condition of the economy, her question is more relevant than you might think. I can not tell you the number of friends I have who are faced with the tough decision of going somewhere prestigious for a hefty price VS going somewhere less prestigious for a considerably lesser price. You may try to deny it but, but prestige DOES count for something come job application time. She is perfectly justified in comparing the degree of job security that will result from attending one college over another. The question is not “lacking in proper decorum”. This is what college confidential is for. Its funny how you took her question as a personal attack…</p>


<p>Fiveunderpar was right. The saying “It’s not what you say, but how you say it” is relevant. The purpose of the OP’s question was not wrong, the question itself just should have been worded in a more polite fashion.</p>

<p>She could have stated her intended major and asked if a degree in that major from Bama would be employable in other regions of the country. Since Bama is highly ranked in accounting, the obvious answer would be, “yes”.</p>

<p>ScorpioChik, </p>

<p>UA will not limit you geographically. It is a top 20 school for Accounting and a target recruiting school for International Big 4 Accounting firms. You do need to ensure you do your part once a student to be competitive for internships. Suggest to visit the Business forum on CC with very informative posts about what Big 4 Accounting firms are looking for: high GPA (3.6-4.0ish), pertinent leadership roles, ability to interview well, etc.</p>

<p>OOS freshman son will be/is an Accounting and German major and wants to work in International Business. He is in UHP and IHP, Emerging Scholars, University Scholars program, Presidential scholarship, made President’s list, studying abroad in Berlin this summer, involved in business fraternities, german club, etc… He was admitted to “other universities” some with scholarship offers, some full freight but obviously chose UA for many excellent reasons. The UA forum was an integral part of helping with his decision making. </p>

<p>DS loves UA! There is no stress financially, academically, personally. He feels completely able to compile a strong resume all the while enjoying all that is great about The University of Alabama. There really is no need to take on debt for an Accounting degree. Debt would be better served for a prestigious MBA.</p>

<p>I think the original post had more of an undercurrent of anti-Southern bias than it did anti-Alabama. The OP clearly doesn’t care for the south, doesn’t want to live in the south, and only intends to use Alabama as a means to an end. Therefore, I don’t see her ever fully embracing the experience. And if you can’t do that, then why come?</p>

<p>And in this day and age of the internet, where gazillions of megabytes of information are available about any school in the world at the push of a button, why come on here to ask “what is its academic reputation?” I mean… really??? You have scholarship offers in hand from a school but you know nothing about its reputation? Makes me scratch my head, especially when it concerns someone who has “brains outside of high test scores.”</p>

<p>trash me if you want BUT… for goodness sake its a student! she has a legitimate question…perhaps fueled by posts you guys have made about the comments your own kids and yourselves have had to deal with when you say your child is going to ua…you yourselves have posted about it… so she asked a simple question… she didnt say she didnt like the school just wondered what people outside of the south thought… you guys have posted outside the south you have been dealing with some stereotypes… so she wonders if she would have to deal with that from employers</p>

<p>I’m not trying to bash the young lady. I apologize for sounding curt. I hope she picks a school that fits her personality and her interests.</p>

<p>I will say that although I did not go to Alabama, I went to another large SEC school. We have alums working all over the country and world. I know two fellow alums who are living in Manhattan and making money hand over fist. You get out what you put in.</p>

<p>i agree with you mom2collegekids. the question definately could have been formulated in a less inflammatory fashion…but the underlying question is still legitament as you said:))</p>