Request for additional financial aid info

<p>Did anyone else receive an email today or recently from Cornell financial aid requesting additional info? They requested parent's W-2 & a non-filing statement from me. Rd 2012 applicant. Does it mean anything? Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, my D also received an e-mail today requesting additional info.
She also received a phone call from a College of Human Ecology student on the 6th of March asking if she had any questions about the College and advising her to finish submitting any remaining financial aid documents. I’d like to think the two together perhaps might possibly, hopefully be a good sign. I guess we’ll find out in a little over a week :)</p>

<p>Two good signs for your daughter, nice! Only other similar thread I could find is <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Where similarly applicants received request for info a week before decisions… I checked & both who wrote about the requests were accepted (brown ea).</p>

<p>I also received this email! I’m hoping it’s a good sign! I’m not telling anyone yet obviously, but I will ask my Stats teacher (who is a Cornell alum) if she knows anything about it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info storz! Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I know for sure that I got in because I was invited to the diversity hosting and only admitted students get invited to that. I got this email and I’m so mad. I have to send IRS transcripts and it will take about 10 days for me to receive them. So my financial aid package will definitely not be ready when decisions come out.</p>

<p>If you don’t have a W-2 form, you were supposed to submit a non-filing statement in January. I’m guessing you forgot and now they’re emailing you about it. </p>

<p>If you want to be optimistic, I guess it’s a good sign (:</p>

<p>thanks Vivian, that is very interesting info.</p>

<p>Meep… they were asking for my parent’s W2 (which my mother says she is certain she sent in February, but may have been missed as it was stapled with the 1040s) and a non filing statement from me, which isn’t on the list of items originally requested.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input!</p>

<p>a non-filing statement is required if you are not filing a tax return, which i conjecture most of us are not.</p>

<p>My stats teacher was unable to give a definitive answer. She said that since the financial aid and admissions departments are separate, it could mean nothing. However, she did say that since it’s so late in the game, it’s probably a good sign. So who knows. We’ll find out in a week and a day though!</p>

<p>Oh no. I didn’t know about the “non-filing statement” for students…I never got an email about it either. Is this a bad sign? :/</p>

<p>OP, may I ask what letter your last name starts with?</p>

<p>Dude, it’s not a bad sign. Cornell rarely notifies applicants of missing fin aid documents…it’s all on the portal. Plus, the financial aid office and the admissions department work independently of each other</p>

<p>Well I also didn’t get the letter others got today, thanking them for their application. In addition, some people’s portal says financial aid stuff is due in May(the matriculation deadline), while mine doesn’t. Does my anxiety make more sense now?
Objectively & subjectively(as far as extracurriculars go), I thought I had a pretty solid chance :(</p>

<p>1)The letter others got may be on its way to you - either way it probably doesn’t mean anything</p>

<p>2)People who received new deadlines in May, including me, were selected for verification of financial aid info. They give us until May 7th to submit the verification worksheet and tax transcripts. I was accepted, but there is no May 1st deposit deadline on the to-do list. It’s just verification stuff</p>

<p>Cornell finaid office isn’t selecting files for fafsa/tax verifications…the IRS is. Which pretty much means some of the verified applicants are in and some arent. same with files that were not asked for verif…some in some out. no way to know…</p>

<p>Could someone please explain why they would need verification? Is that only in certain cases?</p>

<p>Well they have to verify about 30% of all incoming financial applications, so sometimes they will flag you if you changed your FAFSA a lot of times, or if you had inconsistent numbers, or mostly just randomly…</p>

<p>Thanks for everyone’s input. CollegeInfo: My last name begins w/ R. I thinks whatever this request means is indecipherable at this point, beyond it not being a BAD sign!</p>

<p>Thank you for the clarification.</p>