<p>I requested an interview on my application.
How long is the wait till someone contacts you, usually?</p>
<p>I got contacted three days ago, saying it would not be possible…here’s a question for current students: if someone is contacted near the deadine saying that the interview is not possible, is that a, well, bad sign? (I have started seeing omens everywhere…:o)</p>
<p>My son is a freshman this year. Last year when he applied he requested an interview and was never contacted for one. I guess it depends on the availability of alumnae in your area. I was told the interviews are for the applicants, not for the school in making the admission decision.</p>
<p>I also requested an interview when I applied (a couple of years ago); however, wasn’t contacted by an alum. I live pretty close to the school (within a two hour radius), and really doubt there was a problem with there not being an alum in the area. Sometimes, the issue is that the interview spots have filled up… there’s a cap on the amount of students alums interview, and once this cap is reached, interviews are no longer granted. I’m not entirely sure on how the order in which the school grants interviews in determined; however, I rather doubt that it’s based on Vassar’s interest in you seeing as I was accepted without an interview and a girl from my high school who got an interview was rejected.</p>
<p>Interviews are entirely voluntary, and the chance of getting one depends entirely upon how well organized (and well-staffed), or how busy your local alumnae/i organization is.</p>
<p>I’m an active alumna interviewer for my area, and I have not received any interview requests from my local organization. This either means that the admissions office has not yet forwarded any interview requests to our local organization, or that the organization has not yet passed on these requests to individual interviewers.</p>
<p>Incidentally, for the last admissions cycle, my interview requests did not arrive until January or, in one case, early February. </p>
<p>To Astrophoenix – I cannot say why you were unable to be accommodated for an interview, but if you do not live in an area with an active alumnae/i association, this could be the reason. It is by no means an omen of any sort.</p>
<p>Good luck to all this year!</p>
<p>What’s the deadline for requesting an interview? Or has it passed?</p>
<p>I don’t want to send in my application until I find out from my ED school.</p>
<p>I’m not sure if this has changed, so you should double check this, but the deadline for requesting interviews used to be the same as when the application was due. When you filled out the Vassar supplement there was a box on it that you could check to say “yes, I want an interview.”</p>
<p>That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if some priority in selecting students for interviews is done on a first-come-first-serve basis, so getting in your application before “the rush” would be ideal, if you really want an interview. I don’t know this for sure, but I feel as I’ve heard it somewhere before. It would also make sense in my case… I didn’t get my application in until two days before the deadline, and wasn’t even contacted about the possibility of scheduling an interview.</p>
<p>Lastly, I’m not sure how much more information this gives, but here’s the blurb about Admissions Interviews in the 2008/2009 College Catalogue: </p>
<p>“An interview is not required for admission. Most students and their families find that they have a clear understanding of Vassar’s academic and extracurricular offerings and admission standards after attending a group information session and going on a campus tour. However, candidates may feel that further dialogue with a Vassar representative would be helpful. Applicants may request an interview with an alumna or alumnus in their local area when completing the application for admission. While interviews are not offered on campus, admission officers are always available after information sessions to advise students and their families on the admission process and to discuss special circumstances and needs.” ([Admission</a> - 2008/09 College Catalogue - Vassar College](<a href=“http://catalogue.vassar.edu/admission.html]Admission”>http://catalogue.vassar.edu/admission.html))</p>
<p>Yes, what littleathiest said is true. You have to request an interview when you actually submit your application, specifically supplement. </p>
<p>I only really wanted an interview so I could show them my art work. I don’t think the images do them enough justice… Should I submit an arts supplement even though I’m not likely to pursue the arts at Vassar? Or just send in a printout of my artwork?</p>
<p>Deadline for interview request is Dec. 11 per Vassar website:</p>
<p>Q: How much do interviews count? Are they required? How do I schedule one?
A: Interviews are optional, although often recommended. They are conducted by our alumnae/i in metropolitan areas throughout the world and provide a great way for applicants to tell us more about themselves. More importantly, you can learn more about Vassar from a different perspective. Please use the Supplement to the Common Application to request an alumnae/i interview.</p>
<p>Please note the deadline to request an interview for Early Decision I is November 1; Early Decision II, December 11; and Regular Decision, January 1.</p>
<p>I would recommend, brandnewstate, that you submit an art supplement, if your work is really important to you and you’d like to have it looked at intensively. My last year’s roommate submitted one and she has yet to take an art class at Vassar… it’s not like you have to be a prospective art major to submit a portfolio.</p>
<p>I dont think it was an omen ,my son was contacted by the Nov 15 ed1 deadline. he sent his application in 10 days earlier. I do think there are a plethora of Vassar grads in our area.My husband tutors h.s. physics and two of the moms are Vassar alumni interviews. They made my son go with someone he had no connection too, although the women does live in our town. I know there are a handful of applicants from my son’s school, but she interviewed him first because he was ED1</p>
<p>correction, he requested the interview by nov.1 for ed1</p>
<p>I dont think it was an omen ,my son was contacted by the Nov 15 ed1 deadline. he sent his application in 10 days earlier. I do think there are a plethora of Vassar grads in our area.My husband tutors h.s. physics and two of the moms are Vassar alumni interviews. They made my son go with someone he had no connection too, although the women does live in our town. I know there are a handful of applicants from my son’s school, but she interviewed him first because he was ED1</p>
<p>As I read it the wording makes it seem as interviews will not reflect on the application.</p>
<p>Thanks, I’ll do that!</p>
<p>To anyone who got contacted and told the interview is not possible, I know that vassar sent out of the names of the students to be interviewed rather late this year (about 4 days before the interviewer’s write up was due).</p>
<p>so it wasn’t a bad omen</p>
<p>I didn’t get an interview (requested one), but I got in and I’m in my room at vassar right now :)</p>