Requesting In-State Tuition

Here is my situation:

  • I have been accepted into Texas A&M (major: Geophysics)
  • I applied for University/Department scholarships back when I applied to Texas A&M, but did not receive any scholarships which somewhat surprised me.
  • My family and I were hoping for at least one scholarship because Texas A&M has a policy where Out-of-state scholarship recipients ($1000+) earn a non-resident tuition waiver for the duration of their scholarships.

If I have to pay out of state tuition, I would likely end up going to an in-state school instead. However, if I the out-of-state tuition is waived, then I would attend Texas A&M without a doubt. I am considering writing a letter to the Department of Geoscience and/or financial aid office to explain my situation and find out if they could help in any way. Any advice is appreciated. I’m wondering what I should include in the letter or if that’s even a good idea. Thanks in advance.

Do you have some outstanding resume item(s) that you feel merits your scholarship offer? Competition for scholarships are pretty fierce.

What would be an example of an outstanding resume item?

I guess what were you planning on writing as your reason for them re-considering you for a scholarship. Any outstanding/impressive recognition? competition winner? Leadership? Anything you have done/achieved that would make you stand out as an applicant? Just GPA & scores do not equate to merit scholarships here, like they do at other universities that have sliding scale merit award charts. They evaluate your whole application here for a scholarship.

Alright I see what you’re saying. I have another question. Do you think mentioning other schools I’m considering in the letter would be a bad idea? Thanks for your help

It’s a really bad idea. TAMU didn’t regard u highly enough to grant u a merit scholarship, so u are going to threaten to go elsewhere? Good luck w that…

It’s as compelling a strategy as threatening the most popular boy at school that if he doesn’t go to tbe prom w u that you’re going to go w the dweeby guy, instead.

Good point, thanks

There is someone in FA who deals with evaluating other school’s scholarship offers and whether they will offer you something - however, chances are very slim. If you did not get a scholarship offer from that other school, there is no point mentioning it. I think the theory that schools are fighting over applicants really doesn’t apply for the vast majority of applicants here - not when they are turning away 4,000 qualified kids to BT. Keep in mind that roughly 85% of full applicants are top 10% and/or academic admits, so there many high achievers in the freshman class and only so much merit scholarship money. It’s highly competitive, normally honors program students have the best chance at merit money only because they usually have impressive resumes ( not even all honor students get merit money). IDK if you’re in honors or not, but that gives you some perspective.

Do you think it would be best to ask if they would reconsider me for a $1000 departmental scholarship or should I request a reevaluation of my financial aid package. I’m just wondering what the most appropriate way to state that would be.

I am in the same situation as you, and I have emailed and talked with The Scholarship and Financial Aid department, and Architectural Department. I also have pretty solid stats and involvement, and I thought for sure being a auto-admit would help my chances. Unfortunately they did not offer me any extra aid. My families EFC is pretty high, yet my parents do not have nearly enough money to afford the OOS Tuition for 4 years. However, I am determined to go to A&M and not my state school, so I’m going to keep trying. It is just really unfortunate that the reason I might not be able to go is money.

Ah that is unfortunate. Hopefully I get a more favorable response from them. I would really like to go there instead of my state school as well. Have you looked into somehow establishing residency in Texas after one year? So you would only pay out of state tuition your first year?

UPDATE: They said no

I feel your pain Cam. Im looking at possibly joining the Corps so I can still attend (for the record I have been considering military service so this isn’t coming from now where). Do you have any other options at this point?

They actually sent me another response today offering me a departmental scholarship and in-state tuition for the first year. The email yesterday was a pretty clear no so it was pretty surprising. So I will be attending A&M now. I also was looking into Corps for the scholarships but I haven’t been considering previously like you. If they hadn’t contacted me today I would have most likely ended up at my in state school. Best of luck to you

@Cam35S That’s awesome! What kind of things did you put in your appeal letter?

@Cam35S Congratulations on being admitted with the OOS tuition waiver. My oldest son is just finishing up his freshman year in engineering and loves A&M. We are also OOS (from Arizona). My current Aggie was a NMF, so he got the OOS tuition waiver along with this NMF scholarship. My youngest son also would like to attend A&M but will miss out on being a NMF. The OOS tuition waiver could make the difference for us. (Middle son is starting at Miami of Ohio in the fall). What kind of test scores, grades, APs, and other accomplishments did you achieve?

@Cam35S Make sure to re-apply for the departmental scholarship when you are a freshman. The deadline is in December for the following year! So do great grade-wise that first semester :slight_smile:

@Cam35S How did you do that, what did you have to email them? (I’m in the same situation please help)

@Cam35S, the financial aid and college department decision-makers are completely separate. Congratulations! I wish we had tried with my oldest, but honestly didn’t know you could do that. I found out later…too late for her. She also was an academic admit, but most OOS students are in that category. To those of you who didn’t get one, keep trying as they are available every year not just to incoming freshman. It is tough competition, my oldest finally got one her senior year - combined with other scholarships she earned, it was a full ride. We do not qualify for any need based (some only require $1 of need), so yes it is possible to qualify as a pure merit student. Meanwhile apply for outside scholarships, every little bit helps!! Good luck to all of you!

@MadKillaMan @Jimmie789 In the letter I think it’s important to be completely honest about your own personal situation. I talked about my experience during touring the campus. Also I went into depth on how the A&M was right for me and how I was right for A&M. To be honest, I don’t think it was the letter than made the biggest difference though. My dad and I made some long phone calls to a few people at A&M that were very beneficial to me actually receiving the scholarship. This in combination with the letter is what made it happen. You really have to do your research, write a really good letter, and make those connections.