requirements to send?? ex) highschool transcript

<p>HI! Can anyone tell me what documents I need to send to Purdue?</p>

<p>For example, high school transcript, teacher's recommendation letter and more??</p>

<p>please and thank you!!</p>

<p>[Purdue</a> University - Admissions](<a href=“]Purdue”>
whatever you need to know is right here. teacher’s recommendations don’t really make a huge difference with large state schools like purdue so you may or may not wanna send those.</p>

<p>At an admissions event this lady had flat out said:
We get approximately 20,000 applications a year. So we don’t ask for recommendation letters because we don’t need 40,000 letters talking about how great you are. Because, let’s face, you ask people that like you to write recommendation letters; you don’t ask someone who would write: this student sucks, don’t let them in.</p>

<p>naturaldisaster>> HAHAHA wow…that’s so true! haha thanks for the laugh and info!</p>

<p>thank you to depr91 too!</p>

<p>That lady had to have been the funniest admissions person that I have ever heard in my life. She said some other stuff too about how she’s in charge of scholarships and was all: the only calls I get about scholarships are people arguing about how they should have gotten one. Nobody ever calls me to thank them for awarding them a scholarship. Now that would be nice.</p>

<p>LOL if I do get in and DO get a scholarship I’ll make sure to call her and thank her! hahaha she’s so funny!</p>