Requires a 7th Semester Transcript

<p>I have checked my application status for a while . Everything completed. Recently I noticed that in the "Requirements" section I have never seen that Purdue requires a 7th Semester Transcript up until I checked today on December 10th. Well now that I know I have to send in my 7th Semester Transcript as soon as possible. Also I am wondering if it is too late for me to get admitted .
Any ideas about this recent requirement "7th Semester Transcript"?</p>

<p>What major did you apply for? Some majors have a deadline of november 15th, all the others have a deadline in march. So you may still have time.</p>

Why before Dec 10, I did not see 7th Semester Transcript. Today I see it.
7th Semester is not done yet. I must wait until the semester finished.</p>

<p>What does your Application Summary page say under “Application Status” and “Decision”? These fields are about midway on the page, above the “Requirements” section.</p>


<p>Because your 7th semester should have been included in your transcript as “courses in progress” or something of the like, even if you don’t have the grades/classes completed right now. I don’t think they need grades necessarily, just need to know that you’re still in school perhaps. Also to see what courses you’re taking and if you meet/are meeting all the high school requirements Purdue requires.</p>

<p>Application Status: Incomplete items outstanding
Decision: Pending/Additional Info
Current Program
Degree Seeking
Level: Undergraduate
Program: Engineering First Year
Catalog Term: Fall 2011
College: First Year Engineering
Campus: West Lafayette
Major: First Year Engineering
Area of Interest: Mechanical Engr
Date Created: Oct 09, 2010 </p>

Requirement Received Note Status
Application Fee Oct 09, 2010 Paid Online
Official HS Transcript Nov 02, 2010
7th Semester Transcript<br>
ACT/SAT Test Scores Mar 31, 2010<br>
ACT/SAT Writing Score Mar 31, 2010</p>

<p>Ah I see what you mean. I guess Purdue just needs your semester grades before they can make a decision? Otherwise, I’m not sure why they would be asking for it.</p>

<p>IMO, this means that they want to see your grades for the first half of this year before making a decision. If your grades are good then I wouldn’t be too worried… now if you have been slacking then a whole new story… all you can do then is just pray for the best. Good luck!</p>

<p>I got that, too. They’re just waiting until you send in the grades to decide. It’s not too late to get in. The same thing happened last year to my friend. He had to wait until January to get his transcript to send and he got accepted in February.</p>

<p>Got the same thing - want 7th semester grades which means i just have to wait longer. Going to call admissions to see if i can figure out what they are looking for. This is so frustrating.</p>

<p>yeah, i know. i basically waited 3 months just for them to delay their decision another month or two.
let us know if you find out anything interesting from that call :D</p>

<p>Admissions said that they want first semester grades to make sure that you are still good student and senioritis hasn’t hit - they were very optimistic. The problem is you have to wait!</p>

<p>they did the same to me!!
And the worst part is that my classmates, who have way worse SAT I and II grades, plus who are also international students, already got in!!
But I guess it could be because of my IB math grade? I didn’t do so good, but I did really well in Math II SAT, 770, whereas my friends got in the 600s.</p>

<p>yeah, that might be it, thukon. my calc grade wasn’t good, but i got a 4 on the ap exam. i called admissions and they said that they were feeling pretty bad about my calc grade since i applied to engr, but because of my ap score, they decided to wait and see.</p>