Res Halls Incoming Transfer Student

I am transferring to UW Madison this upcoming Fall of 2015. I am going to be transferring in as a junior. Is it weird that I am going to be a junior living in the dorms?! I just really want to meet people when I get here! I looked at the residence halls online, and I tried distinguishing the freshmen dorms from the upperclassmen dorms. So far I am thinking: Ogg, Merritt, and Smith for southeast. I am thinking about Dejope, Leopold, or Tripp for lakeshore. I would consider myself to be a pretty social person, and just really need some guidance on what to do. Please help!

Have you already signed a Res Halls contract? If not it is too late to even get into the dorms. By now they are done/nearly done giving out dorm assignments so it is even too late to do your ranking of choices.

There is a transfer dorm house and perhaps one for only nonfreshmen- check the Res Halls website yourself. Otherwise at least 50% of every dorm open to freshmen will have those new students.

Your question is far too late for this fall. Look at the off campus housing site for private dorms and apartments. Current campus culture is that very few juniors will be in the dorms.

Don’t worry about it being weird to live in the dorms. You will meet friends in classes and activities. Dorm life makes it easier to get to know the campus. It simplifies finding meals and being on campus also makes it easier to be closer to activities 24/7. Remember- you chose UW for the academics and your primary focus will be your major.