Rescheduling an interview

<p>First of all good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>im new to this forum, but i hope someone can still reassure me...
i originally had an interview with an alumni this wednesday, but for certain reasons i had to reschedule it to next week...thinking it was an acceptable thing to do, i told my parents and their eyes grew big and their faces turned red - not a pretty picture. they yelled at me saying i'll get rejected b/c the alumni will not think i put the interview on top of my priority list and what not...was it an act of impropriety? was it rude? and if the interview is next week, is it too late since the EA decisions are due out soon? =(( thanks to anyone who can help</p>

<p>the interview for EA has to be submitted by Dec 1. So if you cant do it this wednesday, then it will be too late. I dont know what the interviewers procedure for that is though, to just not submit a form (lots of people dont get interviews anyway) or to send in one saying you scheduled one and then rescheduled past the date, but my guess is that you simply wont get an interview report at all so it wont have a negative on your admissions. all the best ~ Iplayoboe.
ps. welcome to the Yale board :)</p>

<p>does yale conduct RD interviews?</p>

<p>yeah, but a smaller percentage of applicants get them because there are just too many for them to inverview all of them. If your ASC is well stocked with interviewers though, you'll definitely get an interview.</p>

<p>I had to reschedule my interview three times, due to inevitable things like flight times. So long as you're polite and make it clear that you're serious about having the interview, you should have no problem, assuming that your interviewer is reasonable.</p>

<p>thank youu =]</p>