<p>I received a C in Physics at a community college during the junior year to senior year summer. I had every intention to put it on my application. When I entered it on my application, I just used my keyboard and I never realized that I put "Credit" instead of "C" until when I decided to review my application. I reported it to the changes to UCLA, but it says it will take 15 business days. I am really scared as to whether I should submit SIR to another school, or what to do. Do you think UCLA would rescind me under these circumstances. It was truly an honest mistake.</p>
<p>I reported all this information to UCLA, but I am really scared. Please let me know, I am really worried!</p>
My HS UC GPA is 4.0 unweighted. 4.4 weighted.
SAT Score 2030
SAT 2 Chinese 800 Chem 790 Math2 780
Lots of extracurricular, volunteer work, strong personal statements.</p>
<p>Well it’s true…you got CREDIT for that “C”
If you put CREDIT then they probably assumed it’s a pass/no pass class. And generally a “C” would count as pass. It was misleading yes, but not the worse thing you could’ve done.</p>
<p>Considering your stats … I really wouldn’t worry about it (even if your stats weren’t that great I wouldn’t worry about it). Revocation of an offer of admission is not generally practiced unless the terms of the offer of admission have been clearly violated. </p>
<p>As long as you notified them of your error promptly then you should be fine and I wouldn’t do anything drastic like submit an SIR to another school preemptively (especially if this other school is a another UC).</p>
<p>now i’m more worried 
i went on the admission decision website and the congratulations is gone and it says</p>
<p>We received your recent communication regarding changes to your academic information and are currently reviewing your record. Upon completion, we will contact you to inform you of any status changes.</p>
<p>does anyone think i will get rescinded?</p>
<p>No I do not think you will get rescinded.
They probably just took the congratulations down because they have to in-effect re-assess your application and decide whether to admit or reject you all over again.
But since the change is so minor and insignificant I really don’t think anything bad will happen. Chillax.</p>