Rescind Offer/Warning Letter for drop in grades

So I was accepted EA to Notre Dame.
I’ve been a straight A student for three years (just a B+ and an A- throughout my entire high school career).

But this year, I’ve been dealing with some serious senioritis.

At the current stage (second quarter senior year) it looks like I might end with 3As, 2Bs, a B+ and a B- first semester.

I am enrolled in 6 APs right now, so my weighted GPA will only drop by like .3 points. But I fear that once colleges see my grades, they might issue me a warning letter since I’ve filled my past report cards with only As…

I am now going to work my ass up to bring up these grades, but are my EA admissions in serious jeopardy?

Please help!

@tictactoe2022 - no way they rescind your offer for B’s. If you start making a bunch of C’s and D’s, then maybe.

What my son heard last year was 2 Cs or 1 D is grounds, though a drop in grades can trigger an academic improvement plan with your advisor. Yes, do what you can to bring those grades up.

B’s will not hurt you.

@tictactoe2022 - relax … you just got in and you are worried about being kicked out. Go for a run - you are too young to be this stressed out. You could make straight B’s the rest of the way and you would not have your offer rescinded. Just silliness.

Senioritis isn’t like mono or the flu. You don’t catch it. You choose it.

And you’re right. You may get a warning letter. So don’t wait for the letter. Spend this weekend doing whatever is necessary to get your grades together. You have a break coming up-- speak to your teachers this week and find out what you can do to put you on a better footing in January.