<p>I have had a clean disciplinary record, except for an incident earlier this month in which I was given in-school suspension for bypassing my school internet filter. Will this go on my final transcript, and will mich rescind me for this? Thanks (I was accepted EA, so they don't know about my suspension yet, if in-school suspension even counts as suspension)</p>
<p>What’s an in-school suspension?</p>
<p>It’s something like this: <a href=“Wikipedia”>url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspension<em>(punishment)#In-school</em>suspension</a>
I served mine last Friday. Would mich count this as a serious deal? It’s probably on my record.</p>
<p>No you’re fine, unless you rob a bank or get a DUI they won’t care.</p>
<p>I know people say things like that, like if you don’t commit a felony or something like that you’re fine, but is that really the case?</p>
<p>You don’t even need to report an ISS. Don’t worry about it.</p>