rescinded from ucsd? plz helpppp

<p>so my physics final was this thursday and friday. but on tues, i came down with a really high fever and couldnt really study for it. and since its a final, there are no makeups, so even though i was still really sick i had to drag myself out of bed and take it. and i did as well as i imagined on it. before the final i had a c+ but now my grade is probably a c- possibly even lower. ive never even got below a b before in any class ever.</p>

<p>i am going to call admissions office and write them an email detailing what happened. i kno normally a d is automatic rescindment, but my major(econ) is totally unrelated, and this is already my 4th yr of science(i think uc requires 2 yrs and recommends 3 yrs) one possible solution is retaking the class at cc in the summer, if they will let me.</p>

<p>any advice? i hope this works out in the end because i reallly dont want to end up going to community college, all because of a stupid flu at the worst possible time :[</p>

<p>i dont think. they will care. at all.</p>

<p>Do call UCSD as soon as possible to explain the situation. You might also ask your guidance counselor to call them as well. But, as long as you still meet the UC course distribution minimum requirements, and your overall GPA hasn't fallen below the minimum, it should not be a huge deal and they will work with you if you need to do something such as take a makeup course over the summer (unlikely I suspect). However, the UC's don't like surprises, so it would be best to alert them before they receive your final transcript, and discuss the matter with them directly.</p>

<p>If all of your other grades from this semester are good and you get a c-, you should be fine. UC wants to know about it though. Once you get the final grade, if it's below a C, you need to e-mail admissions so they know before they get your final transcript. Send a brief explanation. Remember, you were accepted based on the courses you listed as enrolled/planned on the application. They expect you to complete physics. </p>

<p>Can you try and explain to your teacher that you need a c-? We have a student taking astronomy at the local CC and she BOMBED the final. Because she had excellent attendance, participation and a few average test scores and she needed the grade for CSU, the instructor gave her it. Seems to me you were bright enough to get in to UCSD and pysics just isn't your best subject. I'm guessing you go to class and put forth effort. Try explaining the situation to your teacher and flat out asking her for the C.</p>

<p>Lastly, with California public 4 year schools, be very careful taking summer courses at a CC. Some schools will change your status from entering freshmen to transfer student if you earn college units after HS graduation...Never enroll in a summer college course at CC after senior year in high school unless you check with admissions at your 4 year university first!</p>

<p>i just talked to my teacher and i dont think hes changing it :/ </p>

<p>also will a letter from a guidance counselor help? do i need a doctor's note? asjdkfajsdlfa im so scared :[</p>

<p>It's such an unfortunate story. But I just want to warn you that the school might ask the question as to not so much you got a bad grade in the final but, why and how you put yourself in that predicament in the first place. If you have never gotten anything lower than a B before the application as you say, how did you get to a C+ before entering the final? So their decision might not base on your final's grade but why you put yourself in that predicament.
Hope I don't sound too harsh. I just think you'd better address this key question in the letter. I think your teacher is not changing the grade is because he is thinking exactly of the same thing.
Good luck.</p>

<p>thx everyone </p>

<p>so yah i talked to my counselor and she told me because its my 4th yr of science, it would count more as an a-g elective rather than a requirement. basically, it would be something more like yearbook rather than ap bio. will this make a difference?</p>