Rescinding admission

Hi, I am planning on attending binghamton university starting next year. However, in the third quarter of my senior year I have a 68 in my physics class, all my other classes are in the A/B range. I believe I will bring my grades up next quarter, but will they look at the third quarter on its own, and is there any chance of my acceptance being rescinded?

What will your grade average out to be?

Generally colleges just get your year end grades. You can check with your guidance counselor to be sure that is the case in your HS. I’d work hard and be sure the year end physics grade is in the C range and you will be fine.

As happy1 said, 3rd quarter is not usually an issue because most colleges see only the final transcript, where the end result will be your average grade. If it is C or above, you should be fine with regard to your plans.

You’ll be fine.