Rescinding an Application

<p>Does anyone know how much your grades have to drop in order for you ED (or RD) app to be rescinded. Here's how my grades are looking</p>

<p>AP Calc AB - A/B
Environmental Sci - A
AP Lit - B
AP Physics B - B/C, probs a B though
AP Psych - A
Anatomy Physiology - A/B</p>

<p>Thats not too bad is it. Will it make them regret their decision? At worst, my GPA for this semester would be a 3.2. At best, I'm thinking 3.66 (which is what I had when I applied)</p>

<p>A’s and B’s are fine, one C or two won’t kill you either. Just don’t start getting all C’s, and definitely don’t fail any classes.</p>

<p>Ha! Same question I had a couple of days ago. Hopefully I will only have a C in Precalc this semester ^^;</p>

<p>Yeah you need multiple Cs to think about it.</p>

<p>Whew. I’m in a similar situation (B or C in BC Calc…haha.)</p>

<p>Here’s how it came out. I should be good then right? And I am not going to slip next semester either</p>

<p>AP Calc AB - B 86
Environmental Sci - A 96
AP Lit - B 84
AP Physics B - B/C, probs a B though ???
AP Psych - A 102
Anatomy Physiology - A 93</p>

<p>dang nice psych grade :frowning: at our school they cap grades at 100 even if you get like a 104 in the class</p>

<p>yeah you’ll be fine. You don’t have anything to worry about.</p>