research abstract?

<p>if i want to include my research abstract, where should i put it on the application?
or should i just mail it in?</p>

<p>thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I would mail it in if I were you.</p>

<p>There’s room for that in the optional short answer section(after the activity/why USC short answers).</p>

<p>can i upload a file? cause i wanted to include a table</p>

<p>That is why I suggested mailing it in. The optional additional information section is not adequate for providing information like that.</p>

<p>Follow alamemom’s suggestion…</p>

<p>Label anything you send to the admissions office with your full name and USC ID number. Include a stamped self addressed card. The staff person will stamp it “Received” and you will have written proof it was received. An applicant can check online if documents are missing, but this can be quicker.</p>