Research awards, conference presentations/abstracts?

<p>Do you think they matter? I am wondering about various kinds of distinctions, such as honor societies, awards for performed research or publications in non-peer reviewed journals or conferences, and finally: what about filed [but not yet granted] patent disclosures? I am having trouble finding the use of these for admissions committee members, yet I have a common sense feeling that they would be viewed favorably.
I am wondering what do you think.</p>

<p>anybody, any idea?</p>

<p>Doesn’t most schools have a section for you to input these?</p>

<p>All of the ones that I applied to had a section for you to upload your CV. That is where this kinda stuff goes.</p>

<p>They do have a section for that. I am wondering how much do they care…</p>

<p>I’d just put it down, I mean it can only help right?</p>

<p>Why wouldn’t it be helpful? They’re looking to accept people who are smart, motivated, and capable of doing research. Evidence that you are those things is good thing …</p>

<p>Of course they matter. They speak to your research ability pretty strongly, and your research ability is what matters (in a PhD program).</p>

<p>Should appear on CV under Awards and Honors

  • honor societies
  • awards for performed research</p>

<p>Should appear on CV as a subcategory under either Publications or Presentations.

  • publications in non-peer reviewed journals or conferences</p>

<p>(The distinction between peer-reviewed and not peer-reviewed MUST be made crystal clear when you are a professor. As an applicant, expectations are lower, so peer review need not actually be assumed. Therefore, it might be better for an applicant to note when things WERE peer reviewed prior to presentation or publication, and leave other entries unmarked.)</p>

<p>Should appear on CV under “Current Research” or “Work in Progress”

  • filed [but not yet granted] patent disclosures</p>

<p>Thanks for the detailed response, Professor X! I just submitted an abstract to a conference; hopefully it will be accepted so that I can include it on my CV. Good luck to everyone else who’s in the process of applying!</p>