<p>Are any parents going to the research conference tomorrow? I’d love to go see all of the presentations, but it’s just not feasible.</p>
<p>“We are excited to have over 500 students representing all academic disciplines participating in this year’s event.” And approx 180 of those are Emerging Scholars … freshmen!! Such a great program and opportunity.</p>
<p>[Undergraduate</a> Research and Creative Activity Conference](<a href=“http://osp.ua.edu/UndergradResearch.html]Undergraduate”>http://osp.ua.edu/UndergradResearch.html)</p>
<p>I wish I could attend. My dd presents tomorrow. It has been a very rewarding experience!</p>
<p>Best wishes to your DD tomorrow, STLCrimsonMom! My DD has really enjoyed her research and has agreed to continue it next year. But, right now, I think she’s ready for her presentation to just be over. :)</p>
<p>My son is also presenting. He didn’t tell me anything about(:. I found out reading this website and than going to the school’s website. I’ll be thinking about everyone tomorrow.</p>
<p>Thanks Southernmomof3! And “break a leg” to all the presenters today! They will do amazing! DD found a spelling error last night on her poster and that just about sent her over the deep end.
She also signed up to continue next year, but it would be an understatement to say she will be more then relieved when today is done.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if they are streaming the presentations? I seem to recall that they did either last year or the year before. Since my kid wan’t involved than, I wasn’t paying that much attention. I didn’t see anything mentioned on the website.</p>
<p>Good luck to all. I haven’t talked to my son and I’m not sure I want to. He played in the band concert last night and now this today. Yikes, I think he may be busy. And stressed.</p>
<p>I didn’t think about the possibility of it being streamed; that would be great. If I find a link, I’ll be sure to post it.</p>
<p>And I agree, hokiefan - this is such a busy and stressful time of the semester. Good luck to all!</p>
<p>My D is presenting her poster at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference. She is so excited! She also presented on Friday at AIME Day.</p>
<p>I do not think they are streaming this. The CBHP presentations were streamed. Perhaps that is what you are remembering. However, I believe there are prizes for today’s presenters.</p>
<p>Here’s is some info: [Undergraduate</a> Research and Creative Activity Conference](<a href=“http://osp.ua.edu/UndergradResearch.html]Undergraduate”>http://osp.ua.edu/UndergradResearch.html)</p>
<p>DS is also presenting and like other parents we couldn’t make it down. </p>
<p>Not sure that it matters though…I tried reading his abstract and got little to no value from that. Seems that my understanding of the English language may have a few more gaps that I had thought !!</p>
<p>Good luck to all of the presenters today…it has and will be a great learning experience no matter the awards outcome.</p>
<p>Cuttlefish, you are right. Is was the CBHP presentations that I am remembering. Anyway, something else for me to push to the back of my mind today. If nothing else, it is a good experience for all these students.</p>
<p>We can all report back later with tales of woe.</p>
<p>DD just sent a pic of her poster set-up. She said she is amazed at how professional many of them look. She is very nervous, but I keep reminding her that she is just a freshman and to enjoy the experience.</p>
<p>My daughter is presenting for Emerging Scholars today, too. Band last night and organic chemistry test tonight, plus being at the conference all day today. She’s a bit stressed, to say the least. I think she’s happy she got to do a poster presentation at the end of her summer internship last year, so she already has a little experience giving this kind of presentation. </p>
<p>I don’t think the Emerging scholars presentations are part of the competition, though.</p>
<p>BamaMom, as an aside, what instrument does your daughter play? My son plays the clarinet. I was able to remember to watch the concert last night as it was streamed. Lots of talent at Alabama all around.</p>
<p>BAMAMom - Emerging Scholars are not a part of the “standard” presentation classifications. Emerging Scholars has their own competion catagory.</p>
<p>BTW…not talking down when I say standard, just don’t know what else to call them. I have seen a few of the “standard” abstracts and they are in no way standard. Just a different way of classifying the competition.</p>
<p>Thanks so much for the link! Some really amazing stuff the kids are doing. Y’all should be so proud!</p>
<p>Hokiefan, DD plays the flute. I still need to talk with her to see how the organic test went. She’s really wishing lab grades were not separate from class grades!</p>
<p>Help! I can’t find the link! I thought I had saved the program on my computer, but I can’t find it now. Through one of the above links, I was able to bring up the booklet that had all the abstracts. Is there any way I can print that up now? I’d love to have a hard copy of the program with my son’s abstract. The link now only has a page saying winners will be announced.</p>
<p>Thank you for any help!</p>
<p>Montegut - I just looked myself and don’t see anyway of pulling that info up. I am hoping my son has a hard copy that he can bring home.</p>
<p>Good research skills, southernmomof3!</p>
<p>Save the item to your computer.</p>
<p>Congratulations to your son, Montegut!</p>