research opportunities in U.S.

<p>I'm currently attending a university outside U.S. (I'm not a U.S. resident),
and I don't have enough research opportunities at my university,
or at other institutions within reach. I strongly want research experience
because I'm planning to apply to U.S. graduate schools. </p>

<p>Are there some research opportunities (summer programs etc.) in U.S. that
are open to students from foreign universities? By the way, my major
is computer science.</p>

<p>Any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>NASA Academy comes to mind...I knew a few students from Ecole Polytechnic in France at Goddard space flight center this summer.</p>

<p>thank you for ur help, karthikkito.
can u please specify the program name at Goddard space
flight center, if u dont mind?</p>

<p>It's called "NASA Academy" :)</p>

<p>oh, sorry i misunderstood it was the institution's name.
thank you :)</p>