Research Project

Hi guys,

One of my goals for my high school career is to enter a research project to a science competition, such as Regeneron Science Talent Search or Intel ISEF. I know these are very competitive and prestigious competitions, but my goal is more of to have the opportunity to present my research than win an award.

Either way, I know that in order to do this, I have to start a research project. I have a pretty clear idea in mind of what I would like to research, and I had been contacting local researchers if I can shadow their lab or if they can be my mentor. It has been a difficult process, and the researchers I have contacted so far told me they don’t have space in the laboratory.

Should I continue to do what I am doing, or are there other ways to begin my own research? I am kind of lost now, and for those of you guys who have done a research project before or have entered a science competition, I would love to get advice on how to start.

Thank you!

Can you talk to your science teachers? They may know of previous students who have done research. Or they may be able to mentor you.