Research Science Institute (RSI) 2010

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hey in one of the recruitment emails they said that the 2010 application should be online by tomorrow! :]</p>

<p>Stats - </p>

<p>GPA: 4.95 (weighted, my school does things a little weird though)
SAT I: not taken
SAT II: Physics 800, taking Bio in November, Math IIC in December
APs: AP Calculus BC/AB Subscore (5/5), AP Psychology (5 selfstudy), AP Physics B (5), AP Physics C (5 selfstudy), AP Biology (5)</p>

<p>This year taking: AP US Gov, AP Comp Gov, AP French, AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP Comp Sci, AP USH, AP Literature, AP Human Geo</p>

<p>Science and Math Related EC’s - </p>

<p>Research with Columbia University in alternative energy sources/carbon sequestration. Working on paper, will be done by November
Computer skills - Mathematica, FEMLAB, Java, Excel
Columbia University High School Science Honors Program
Dual-enrolled in Columbia University undergrad math/physics: Linear Algebra, A+, Calculus III, A+, Optics, A
Some NJ Science League awards
First place, NJ Physics Olympics, freshman year
Bronze Towards Satori Award - National Talent Network Award with research about Alzheimer’s</p>

<p>Tutor/mentor for Newark inter-city girls in math/science</p>

<p>Non Science Stuff -
Harvard Model Congress Outstanding Award
NJ Congress Youth Advisory Committee
2nd place, Bradshaw and Buono international Piano Competition (hopefully some more soon!)
Invited to play in Wunderkinds concert series in New York and New Jersey
2008 Recital in the Kosciusko Foundation
Some art show awards for painting
Lots of in-school clubs </p>

<p>Maybe recommendations from school physics or calculus teachers, Columbia research professor, or Linear Algebra professor</p>

<p>I’m probably going to put my main field as physics, and secondary as mathematics. I think I’m going to write about representation theory and its applications to quantum mechanics, because it’s what I’ve been really interested lately and I’ve been thinking of starting some sort of independent project on it. </p>

<p>Other factors - parents both unemployed, had a life-threatening illness in middle school that helped lead me to become interested in the sciences and working for human benefit </p>

<p>Any last minute suggestions??? O_o</p>

<p>Good luck you guys!! 2011 ftw XD</p>

<p>quick question here…
If I’ve taken AP Comp Sci A, what should I put down as my level in Java?</p>

<p>^Hmm…some friends of mine are applying and they’re putting down Advanced, but on the 2009 thread someone posted that</p>

<p>Beginning = Arrays, Classes, Methods…
Intermediate = Stacks, queues
Advanced = pretty much anything</p>

<p>I was kind of wondering the same thing. But I’ve heard that the computer skills section is used to help match up with a mentor. </p>

<p>Do you think it would be possible to mail in additional recs from a research mentor or college class professor? </p>

<p>I hope that helped Pi Face… :]</p>

<p>They didn’t put up the 2010 app yet… right?</p>

<p>^Yeah they haven’t put it up yet :[
I’ve been checking a lot too…</p>

<p>tsubomi you are definitely going to get into RSI.</p>

<p>^haha I wish but there are so many brilliant people that apply that are a lot smarter and more accomplished than I am, so it’s unlikely that I’ll be accepted…hey but maybe I’ll get lucky? <em>cross fingers</em></p>

<p>hey did they send a recruitment email to a lot of people, or to whom was it sent to. also does rsi want official score reports. and why isnt the application up yet</p>

<p>Do you HAVE to get 220+ on PSAT to get into RSI?</p>

<p>^I don’t think so College-goer…I think if you’re outstanding in other aspects that make
up for the lower than recommended score it should be okay…</p>

<p>Did anyone else get the email they sent tonight saying that we can apply now? The 2010 application still isn’t up yet, only the 2009 one, so I’m kind of confused XP</p>

<p>yeah, i got that email too, so i was really confused.
good point, do they send the email to a bunch of ppl or does it mean i have a good chance of getting accepted and applying wouldn’t just be a waste of time?</p>

<p>I think they send it to a lot of people so it doesn’t really mean that much…:[ But apply anyways (it never hurts!)</p>

<p>I hope that they put up the 2010 application soon. Maybe I’m just missing something…</p>

<p>i never got any of these emails. does this mean im at a disadvantage? what do they base them on?</p>

<p>I don’t think that they’re that significant - they might be based off of PSAT scores or something…</p>

<p>^^ yeah is it like based upon the 220 PSAT that they want the applicants to have?</p>

<p>I don’t think they use a hard cutoff. Most likely, if you noted engineering as one of your choices during the PSAT sophomore year- you are probably getting an email.
But the email just tells you that there is an opportunity at RSI. Apply through the website.
No advantages or benefits etc.</p>

<p>Yay the application is up!! ;]</p>

<p>do you know how important it is to have programming experience for getting accepted into RSI? </p>

<p>also, i can’t seem to find the contact info for rsi on their website… could anyone post it here? </p>

<p>thanks :)</p>

<p>omg. our school doesn’t even let us ap bio and ap chem until junior year. i don’t have any SAT II science scores!</p>

<p>and the ONLY science competitions we have are the bio olympiad (which, since i didnt have ap bio, i couldn’t do in sophomore year and i obviously can’t do in junior year yet becuase the apps have to be in by janurary!) and the science fairs (which i did okay in, but srlsly, that’s going to be my only thing on my app) </p>


<p>They don’t explicitly state that your two research fields must be different on this year’s app…but I’m guessing they still should be.</p>