<p>@ndnbe4st: yes, sorry for leaving off my little @ sign. I have horrific forum etiquette. (but I’m getting better! see ^_^) I posted my subfields farther up: engineering electrical and biology cellular.</p>
<p>@tsubomi: well, at the very least, I definitely know people who know you.</p>
<p>Oh okay. By the way just an opinion question… but do we compete against people to get in first or does category competition play in too? Like does it matter what category you put? If I and someone else put the same category will we be more compared than I would be to other people?</p>
<p>hmm, would any Rickoids be able to answer that question ^
I think there must be some kind of category quota. after all, they can’t have all math students, or biology students, or anything like that. There are only so many mentors available in each field…</p>
<p>Hmm I hope that what I apply for wouldn’t be too full… that would be a lame way to get thrown out just because of the category being full… regardless of qualifications.</p>
<p>I’m not applying (too young), but I’ve been going on these threads for a v. long time.
I think your category is mainly to place you with a mentor; I’ve heard of students getting placed with a mentor in a different field b/c their app field was too full. If you’re talented enough, it seems they’ll find a way.
Compromising economic situations seem to be a definite plus as well. I don’t remember who, but there’s someone on this thread w/ some kind of situation.
Prior research is also pretty important generally if it corresponds to your field of interest.
good luck to all</p>
<p>@att159 - too young? there’s no age limit in RSI and I’m pretty sure people have gotten in who weren’t juniors in high school. But I get what you mean.</p>
<p>haha I don’t have computer experience either. From what I heard, we learn LaTeX the first week, and most of the others are for compsci research projects…</p>
<p>Don’t worry, potentenum. I just started too. -_-</p>
<p>Kinda unrelated: Does it look good (not just for RSI, but for apps in general) if you self-study AP’s? My school doesn’t offer any. This year I’m self-studying Bio, Chem, CompSciBC and Micro.</p>