Residence Hall Assignments for Class 2020

Ok, so we appealed my son’s housing assignment and they actually approved it! I didn’t think we had a snowballs chance of getting it but we did. Gig em!

@Quirky813, Great. Did he get Hullabaloo or his roommate choice, or both? We have found A&M Residence Life extremely accommodating. They will make changes when they can.

@lee6666 He didn’t try for Hullabaloo because TamuReslife said that there was a huge wait list for it. He and his roommate both appealed to room with each other regardless of location and that was honored. They realized they made a mistake choosing dorm over roommate and I’m glad it was able to be rectified.

That’s great news, @lee6666. I have a friend whose incoming freshman son went potluck abd her son’s roommate is a sophomore turning 21 in late winter. Her son doesn’t care but she does and the roommate isn’t thrilled. Roommate was hoping for the apartments or something and thought they would group like ages together. Friends son was hoping for anything, as he was accepted the last wave in Feb and was on housing wait list forever.
Due to your story, I mentioned to her that they could both appeal and both might get what they want.

Does anyone know if the kids can have TV’s in the bedrooms at the White Creek apartments?
Question #10
Click the “more” button for channel service information

@Thelma2, thank you so much! I thought I had scoured the website up and down, lol.

@Quirky813 I’m not sure it was linked anywhere on the website. A lot of stuff I have needed to find the answers to, I just googled it. Saved a lot of frustration.

@thelma2. One more question for anyone that might know. This is for White Creek Apartments specifically. Can the bedrooms be locked from the outside? Just trying to figure out how much security for items we need to invest in.


If Whitecreek is anything like my older two kids (S1 in 2brdm 4 person suite w/shared bath) university apartment, D1 in 2room suite dorm) there is a locking door into the dorm and each bedroom locks from inside and outside. When S1 leaves his apartment, he can lock his own bedroom door and no one can access it while he’s away. I also purchased him a personal safe to keep important stuff that is enough to hold his laptop. D1 has one too. S2 will get one. It’s just as extra measure for important things.

@Thelma2, perfect. That is exactly what I needed to know. Hopefully WC is the same way.

I’m not sure what we would have done without this forum…so many good reaources here. Thank you!