<p>I am an international student so I probably have to buy the linens and beddings from Cornell. But I found three paks on [url=<a href="http://www.rhl.org/cor%5DCornell">http://www.rhl.org/cor]Cornell</a> University - The Original ? Offering extra long twin sheets, providing all your college and university bedding needs<a href="complete,%20comfort,%20and%20starter">/url</a>, and I don't know which to choose. Can anyone give me some suggestions?</p>
<p>there are better deals with Bed Bath & Beyond or at Target when you get to Ithaca - the best linens for college dorms will start showing up on the websites in a few weeks or so - you only need x-long twin sheets - the two companies I named will be less expensive and have more colorful and fashionable options for you... try looking at the websites now of those companies for a preview...last year BB&B had complete packages of bedding plus throw pillows plus laundry hamper for about $99 I think...</p>
<p>I know you're an international student...but if you can do it, I recommend you listen to memphismom's suggestion.</p>
<p>I purchased the linen pak my freshman year and not only was it overpriced, but the quality was awful. I got a little over one year out of everything. The BB&B package is better quality and can last you all 4 years.</p>
<p>I wouldn't buy any linens from Cornell, i have friends who went to target and bought stuff for their room the day they got their for freshman orientation lol. It's a lot cheaper just to go to target, or any other store close by.</p>
<p>since you're an international student you'll probably get here even earlier than domestic students so you can just hop aboard one of cornell's buses or call a taxi and go to the mall or wal-mart (other side of town)</p>