Residence Halls for Freshmen!

<p>I'm almost positive I will be attending UW-Madison next fall. But now that I am looking into all the dorms and I'm not sure which one would be best? I hear a lot of freshmen requesting Ogg, Sellery, Liz Waters, and Chadbourne?
Can someone please let me know the pros and cons of the residence halls?Thanks so much!</p>

<p>There’s another recent thread on Dorms on this site…check that. Many people contributed with great info. Start there and then if you have more questions, ask there instead of asking all the knowledgable people re-post.</p>

<p>Hey :slight_smile: I’m a freshman and I live in Ogg. I would definitely recommend it. I heard a lot of things before I moved in, like that it wasn’t social. Not true at all. My house is awesome. We all hang out and talk and go out on weekends. True, you have to prop your door open instead of it staying by itself, but that’s hardly an inconvenience. The rooms in Ogg are so nice and they’re not much more than Sellery or Witte for what you get. They’re pretty big with walk in closets and big windows. You share a bathroom with 7 other girls (3 other rooms) and there are 2 showers and 2 stalls. I’ve never had to wait for a shower or anything. Its really nice coming home after going out or going to class to a nice room. We have a den on each floor and a kitchen. Everyone in my house hangs out in the den together. There’s also a huge lounge downstairs, where people hang out or do homework and a basement with a tv, pool tables, ect. Its nice to go down there if you want to be loud, since we have quiet hours starting at 10pm. Some RAs are strict, some aren’t. Mine isn’t at all. You don’t really have to worry about not being able to study. People pregame in the dorms, but they’re usually out by 10 or 11pm. There are also 2 libraries nearby, which I go to a lot, if you prefer that type of atmosphere. The laundry room is on the ground floor, along with vending machines. There isn’t a dining hall in Ogg, but Gordon Commons is literally across the street and they’re building a brand new one right now and tearing down the old one. Its going to be amazing, so I’d chose Ogg for sure. I visited Sellery once and I am so glad I don’t live there. There is no AC and the rooms are soo tiny.</p>