Residence Life!

<p>Okay, so I recently decided that the University of Arizona was going to be my college. But I’ve been looking into it for around a year. I visited once, and I absolutely loved it. The unfortunate part about my tour was that I did not get to see any residence hall. So I’ve been looking into the halls, looking for descriptions, but the only stuff I can find online is incredibly negative, and I know there has to be SOME positive stuff. Basically I have narrowed it down to a few residence halls I am interested in and I was wondering if someone could fill me in on the bad and the good about these few.

  1. Najavo-Pinal (I’ve heard the rooms are bigger!)
  2. Parker House
  3. The two new buildings, which are being built now. (Are they in a good location?)</p>

<p>And basically, If you have any dorm recommendations, just let me know what. Thanks:)</p>

<p>(P.S. I am a pre-architecture major!)</p>

<li> The one built under the stadium…not my cup of tea. And since it’s on 6th St you got traffic noise and safety concerns.</li>
<li> You don’t want to live next to frat houses, cause it’s constant noise most nights.</li>
<li> The new ones they’re building are probably going to cost a first born to live in just because it’s “green” and “sustainable” and “new”. The one on the south side of campus is a reasonable walk. The southwest corner one is kinda in the middle of no where.</li>

<p>The real common denominator for all the dorms is they’re way overpriced for what you get. If budget is not important, then go for the most expensive ones (ie the newest ones). You get more modern ammenities, better furniture, etc. If budget is a concern bring a bike, earplugs, headphones, and a facemask and nearly every dorm becomes livable.</p>

<p>If I were going to pick one trying to save money though I’d go for Babcock (which I did live in for 2 years), or Pima (which is a central location and fairly modern).</p>

<p>I’ve thought about Babcock…but it seems relatively out of place, and I’m not too fond of the idea of having only one sink/shower/ect. for two people. At least with a community bathroom, you have more of a chance to use a sink and stuff, right?
I’ve heard a lot about Pima, but I’m not sure…</p>

<p>Another one I am considering is Yavapai.
It is one of the cheaper ones, it seems relatively in the center of things, and the rooms look like they have a lot of organization and whatnot. However, I don’t know if I am too fond of bunk beds…</p>

<p>I lived in Babcock for 2 years so I’ll give my “expert” opinion. I wasn’t fond of community bathrooms since that implies community diseases (constantly damp shower is a breeding ground, sinks are probably cross-contaminated, etc). With my roommate we didn’t have a problem with both of us needing the same thing at the same time because we usually got up at different times, showered at different times, etc. I couldn’t guess how well it’d work with 2 women vs 2 guys though. It is relatively out of the way, but with a bike it’s pretty much a straight shot to the mall.</p>

<p>I also lived at VDP for a month while taking a few summer classes, which was community (20 people) bathrooms. I think it was the same situation as Babcock where yes there is more sinks and showers, but there’s also more people so the ratio comes out the same anyways.</p>

<p>I’ve been in Yavapai once when I had to meet with a group mate to work on a project. It seemed like a pretty nice place. Old, but nice, and it’s also a good location on campus (especially near the Physics/Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) building, which you will have at least a few classes in if you’re taking math, physics, biology, etc). I don’t think living in Yavapai would be a bad choice.</p>

<p>I definitely think that Yavapai would be a good place for me. (despite the bunks beds!)
Thank you for all of your help! :)</p>