Residency comes next

<p>Good luck to everyone, the finish line is so close. I cant believe it has been 2 years since S went through interviewing/match process.</p>

<p>Good luck to all. I highly suggest a real time log to make notes right after the interview and in each case, adjust the rank list.
It makes for a great starting place when it comes time to submit the rank list.</p>

<p>^Will you tell that to my bf please? Heā€™s more of a fan of the ā€œrunning rank list in his headā€ whereas I like that idea when thereā€™s only 5 schools but it seems like it will be a lot to juggle when we have 15! I think heā€™s nuts. I have a small notebook I take notes in (will I actually use those? Beats me) and tentatively rank each program compared to the others Iā€™ve visitedā€¦weā€™ll see how that works!</p>

<p>I was happy to be DDā€™s post interview call. As she drove to the airports or next interview location, she would call me and I took her stream of consciousness notes into a Google Doc. She also tried to put each completed school into her rank list, in order. The notes were very helpful for ranking the middle of the pack schools, she knew her top & lowest programs without the list, it was the middle of the pack that needed attention. She got her first choice, but many people do not and she certainly did not assume she would, so it is good to take time with each and every rank.</p>

<p>S kept notebook. As interviews were mostly in November, December, when it came time to create rank list in February, he indicated that having a notebook to refresh his memory especially for minor differences between programs was very helpful as he went further down his list. I know everyone wants/hopes for number 1 pick, but one should really give a lot of thought to entire list as you never know how things may go.</p>

<p>Adding to benefit of notebook: when S was interviewing, a PD indicated that his program develops an initial rank list prior to the interview (an applicant was either ranked A, B or C (top to bottom)). (I suspect this is common approach among programs). PD then indicated they have a group meeting (usually after every weekā€™s interviews) with everyone (i.e. attending, senior, junior residents) who participated in interview process where they discuss each interviewee and may move them up or down on the list depending on the comments. Some are moved to the ā€œDā€ column, meaning DO NOT rank. Thus interviews are not a formality but are critical. Although an applicant might have favorite 1,2,3 ā€¦ picks, a not so great interview day could get one bumped downward even off a programā€™s list which is why serious consideration has to be given to entire list and where forgotten facts that could have been easily recalled from notebook become important.</p>

<p>DD had her first interview in late October and her last one in early February!</p>

<p>DD is now helping organize the interviewee dinners, I told her I expect full disclosure as to how they do the actual process along the way. Seems only fair after being her administrative assistant for her interview season.</p>

<p>For S applying for residency, I was less administrative assistant, just the usual travel agent and banker offering generous terms, no interest and no repayment required. </p>



<p>In coupleā€™s ranking, only your ranking matters since you have it on paper and he never told you what his is. :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>^In coupleā€™s ranking, only girlā€™s ranking matters, notes or not. Thatā€™s the way it isā€¦unless, of course, the guy has applied to Derm. LOL</p>

<p>At one of (his) interview dinners:</p>

<p>Him: ā€œThis is Kristin, weā€™re coupleā€™s matching, and she interviewed with peds today.ā€
Chief (female): ā€œOh! Thatā€™s great. How did you like it?ā€
Me: ā€œI loved it! Seems like a wonderful program and blah blah.ā€
Chief to him: ā€œWell you should be happy she liked it. After all, the wifeā€™s opinion is the only one that mattersā€“am I right?ā€</p>

<p>He is learning early :)</p>

<p>He is smart if he is learning RIGHT NOW.
D. is at one of hers right now!!!
It is absolutely crazy. We experienced nothing like this. HS / college / Med. Scnool applications / acceptances / whole process were mild / fun events to cherish in memory. This time around, all I can say is OMG. I am not easy to get concerned / stressed about anything in life. Maybe I am not really stressed, but it is much much more than we could predict and so unpredictable and amusing in regard to selection of interview candidates. All 3 of us cannot figure out cirteria at allā€¦I guess, being thankful is the only allowed emotion at this pointā€¦
Best to you, kristin and all others!!</p>

<p>All of you going through this now are in my thoughts and prayersā€¦for peace and for confidence that things will work out for the best! We have kind of been though it twice, as I have posted here before. Itā€™s a very strange set of circumstances in which people you really donā€™t know have complete control over the future of your loved ones. Itā€™s surreal. Fortunately for us (and believe me, we are thankful daily!!), the second time was the charm and all is well for my D and her new Dr. Hubby. </p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone!</p>




<p>lolā€¦you seem hot to trot to get DS married. Are you aching for grandbabies? </p>

<p>I, too, would love to be a grandma, but I think it will be several years before thatā€™s even a possibility. :(</p>

<p>this thread stresses me outā€¦lolā€¦Iā€™m glad that i have another year breather before this issue becomes more of a concern.</p>

<p>"this thread stresses me outā€¦lolā€¦Iā€™m glad that i have another year breather before this issue becomes more of a concern.
" - it is not a concern for the most, just for some. Many actually have a great time in 4th yearā€¦
In regard to drandkids, we are starting another college cycle with next year HS junior who seem to have her heart set up for Harvard (just going with the flow at her HS). So far attempts (primarily by her aunt) to change her mind have been unsuccessful. It is not just a HS difference, my Dā€™s continuous comments has been that people from NE are very different from people in Midwest and it includes attitude towards prestige. I just hope that college application will be enjoyable experience (as it was with my D.) and not the heartachy one. So, the cycle of life continues and another grandkid has just taken a test for test-in NYC schools. We hope that he will follow in his big sisā€™s foootsteps and ends up where he wants.
March is the month for both my D. and my GrandS.
D. has 6 inteerviews in a row starting tomorrow, Had to buy another suit and set of blouses. No time to dry clean, even one hour dry clean, no time at allā€¦but we are thankful and hope that she gets couple moreā€¦</p>


Miami - your D having to add to her wardrobe took me back. When D was putting together her interview clothes I remember standing with her in a department store trying to figure out the right mix and match of items so that she would be able to get through back to back interviews. A really kind salesperson must have seen the look on our faces as we went through the racks in her department and took us in hand. In 45 minutes she had pulled together a complete mix and match interview wardrobe that could handle having no breaks between multiple interviews. I should have written a note to her department head. She was a real life saver. </p>

<p>Now Dā€™s wardrobe consists of surgical scrubs and caps. Her fashion statement is made with custom surgical caps she buys on Etsy. :-)</p>

<p>^Very positive experience. We did not predict that many back to back. I am happy that I realized that a second suit and set of bloses is absolute must. Believe it or not, D. did not have time for shopping, she just crushed from preceding set of flying in 2 different directions (also back to back), so I ended up buying her another suit without her and it fit perfectly. I was just praying that it would! But I checked their return policy first. My H. was 40 min. late for 1 hour cleanning, he begged them and they were nice enough to do it. So, at least, D. left with 2 clean suits and 7 clean blouses and was happy that she needed only to drive (no flying in the set of 6). We did not predict ā€œclothes obstaclesā€, we did not predict the set of her invites either, but it is getting a bit more clear in regard to cirteria for selection. There is nothing to share as it is nothing to control except for the stats. </p>


Whoa! That is challenging but what a nice problem to have. Best of luck to her!</p>

<p>Has anybody here (or of course parents) been through couples match? Any info on that is appreciatedā€¦). How does the couple decide on programs? One will be trauma surgery and the other likely will be urology. One already has a decent Step 1 score, the other has yet to take it but will likely score very high, based on testing ability. Just a few questionsā€¦do they interview on the same dates? Do the interviewers consult each other then decide? I just have no clue on how that process works.</p>