<p>I was just browsing through the FAQ under their residency classification area under my.ucla and i found this worrying little tid bit:</p>
<p>**If I was classified as a resident of California at my California community college, will I automatically be classified as a resident for tuition purposes at UCLA?*</p>
<p>No. The UC financial independence requirement makes it extremely difficult for most undergraduate students whose parents are not California residents, including students from community colleges and other post-secondary institutions within California, to qualify for classification as a resident at the University of California. Transfer students who were classified as residents of California at their previous school should not assume that they will be classified as residents at UCLA.*</p>
<p>i do not know if my mother would be considered a "resident" because, despite living in california for 33 years she hasn't been eligible to become a citizen (long story) and so she is basically undocumented. she works a job, pays taxes through an irs issued pin number, etc....</p>
<p>could this seriously jeopardize my fa, tuition, etc? even though i'm a california born and raised resident?</p>