Residential Halls?

<p>I am thinking about doing a res college, since on the tour they said you get the best housing available for freshman. But im a little hesitant…what kind of kids usually do the program? I mean, if I did the Arts College or the Humanities College, I wouldnt want to be stuck with someone who was a little overly animate about the area, or who was just straight up weird, ya know?</p>


<p>the kids who join res colleges are generally pretty... normal, though slightly geekier/nerdier/whatever-er and less party-driven than the average student. obviously, you could end up with a roommate who is a bit too into theatre or philosophy. or someone who parties every wed/fri/sat. but the chances are far better that youll end up with someone who really likes theatre and simply wants to be around people who feel the same way.</p>

<p>in short, most people i know who joined res colleges were glad they chose to do so... and would join again.</p>

<p>that said, being in a res college is a bit of a commitment, and is not something i would do merely to assure that i could live in one of the 'good' freshman dorms. but if youre on the fence, it is a nice perk.</p>

<p>um, i'm a freshman here now, and i'm in a res college. I'm not going to lie, i hated my res college because it took so much time up with common hour and useless feild trips. The people in my res college are kinda weird but there are cool people. your going to get weird peopel everywhere but moreso in a res college. If you decide to join, i suggest joining environmental, Sojo (social justice), or arts... if you join arts, you do not get smith dorms which are pretty nice. the others you get nice dorms though</p>