Residential Leadership Community

<p>Just a heads up for parents and prospective freshmen. If you are attending Tech, I highly encourage applying to the RLC which is a leadership program that is involved with a living learning community. I am part of the RLC this year and I absolutely love it. If you have any questions or want details about what this program entails and the benefits please let me know!</p>

<p>I would love some information about this community. I also wanted to ask about the Wing community, do you have any information about that as well? Thanks.</p>

<p>Unfortunately I don’t know anything about the Wing community, but I am positive Tech’s website has information about it so check it out. </p>

<p>I am very glad I saw this post because you gave me a break from my bio lab report.</p>

<p>Basically, the Residential Leadership Community is a living learning community for freshmen. All of the program members live in Peddrew Yates which is definitely one of the nicest dorms on campus due to the suite style living and air conditioning. I love PY and especially the fourth floor. The suite doors are always open up on the fourth floor and that is really how everybody meets each other the first few days and weeks. Living in such a great dorm is one of the perks of being in part of the RLC.
Essentially the only thing that people in the RLC have to do is take a leadership class both semesters of their freshmen year. The fall semester course is basically an introduction to leadership that everybody takes. If you happen to do the RLC I suggest that you try and get Grimes as your teacher because he is awesome. That is who I have and I love that class. He is all about his students’ opinions and loves in class discussions. He makes the class worthwhile. The class is also an easy A if you put some effort into it. The second semester leadership course is different because there are about 7 different classes that students can choose from. Yesterday began course request for next semester and I requested a class called Alumni Networking, but other classes include Leadership in Pop Culture, Group Facilitation, and others. Supposedly second semester leadership classes are more about service and leadership in action.
Although many people apply to RLC just to be in a nice dorm, there are others, myself included, that actually care about making a change and being leaders at Tech as they were in high school. If you are interested in RLC, apply as early as possible because it has become very competitive. This past year, around half of the applicants were accepted. I waited until the end of April to apply because 1. I didn’t know where I wanted to go and 2. I thought I had to submit my deposit before applying which wasn’t the case.
If you are interested in RLC, then APPLY! The people here are great! I have made a lot of great friends in PY so its awesome.
If you have any more questions then don’t hesitate to ask.</p>

<p>what is admission into RLC based off of?</p>

<p>I just got my email invitation to join the RLC in the fall…I applied online 2 weeks ago. I had to respond to 4 essay prompts with up to 250 words each. </p>

<p>I also applied to the Residential College@ WAJ but haven’t heard back from it yet.</p>

<p>@mazz22 admission is pretty much based off of your essays</p>

<p>@dancingdreamer congrats on your acceptance! i am living in WAJ next year.</p>

<p>@HokieFreshman…thanks! So it looks like you are in RLC this year and moving on to the Residential College in WAJ next year. I had wondered if it were possible to enter the Residential College as a Sophomore. </p>

<p>So if I am invited to live in WAJ this year, which would you recommend? RLC first year or the RC?</p>


<p>Ummm… I know that if you accept your offer for the WAJ as a freshman then that is a two year commitment so you have to decide that</p>

<p>@ thatdude7-- I did WING back in 2006, and I tried to look it up just now, but it looks like they may have renamed it? It looks like “Thrive” is a very similar program- if you’re curious I would email Matt Grimes.</p>

<p>Speaking of Matt Grimes, I 100% agree with HokieFreshman. I had him as my 1st Year Seminar teacher in 2006 and he was awesome then as well. If anyone has the option to pick him, do it. </p>

<p>However, if WING does still exist, it would be part of the enhanced-learning community. With most of those communities, you’re going to get a mishmash of personalities/majors. WING was basically a crash course in everything first year- study skills, the campus, etc. Sort of like if parts of orientation were once a week over the course of the semester. The course was really easy too. I can’t really compare RLC/WING except to say that PY has air-conditioning. </p>

<p>TBH though, RLC and WING were my top 2 choices when I was applying and I went with WING.</p>

<p>Can’t help at all with WAJ— when I graduated they had just started construction/remodeling on it haha.</p>

<p>so does peddrew yates costs more than other dorms or does it cost the same as other cheaper dorms?</p>

<p>[Room</a> Rates | Your Housing & Dining Contract | Housing & Residence Life | DSA | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Room”></p>

<p>so do the decisions come out on a rolling bases as well?</p>

<p>yes. all decisions will be out by second week of May</p>

<p>nope, I got my acceptance already last week. It’s on a rolling basis.</p>

<p>I just applied to RLC, so obviously I’m still waiting on a response. But while I’m waiting should I go ahead and make housing arrangements just in case I don’t get in, or should I just wait it out?</p>

<p>How were you notified and when did you submit your application? I changed the status of my application to submitted but I have no idea where I am able to check its status.</p>

<p>ilinkous:Fill out the housing contract now. If you get into the RLC it will override all preferences you put in that, otherwise if you don’t get in those will be taken into account.</p>

<p>mazz2:I got an email saying I was accepted and when I went into the RLC housing status page I could put the dropdown menu down and select ‘accept offer’ as my status. That’s where it said ‘submitted’ before. I submitted my app about 3 weeks ago.</p>

<p>Thank you! I was just accepted today as well! Congratulations!</p>

<p>Did anyone have their status say decision pending before it changed to offered? I was just wondering, because mine says decision pending and I didn’t know if I would now need to wait until May 15th to find out or if I could still find out before then.</p>