Residential Leadership Community

<p>I applied to the RLC a few days ago and I was wondering how competitive the application process is. Also, does anyone know how long it takes to receive a decision?</p>

<p>I was also wondering how difficult the leadership classes are and if anyone has had an exceptionally great experience with being involved in the RLC. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I don’t know how competitive the program is. But on the Learning Community page it says if you apply by May 1st, you will find out by May 15th. Good luck!</p>

<p>My child got a response today from RLC saying they were waitlisted for the RLC for this fall. Does anyone have a feel for what the likelihood of her getting accepted afterall? Thanks</p>

<p>The class isn’t hard. Most people seemed to enjoy it, or at least felt it was worth the nicer dorm.</p>

<p>I was happy to learn that I was accepted into the RLC for next year. I also applied to the RC at WAJ and haven’t heard from that one yet. I am trying to decide if I want to pursue a minor or double major and I am a bit worried that if my schedule for the first year has two additional leadership classes (which I would really enjoy I think) I may not have time to fit everything in in four years’ time. Do you know of people who managed to be in the RLC and get a minor or double major?</p>

<p>I like the ideals of both programs, really, but was drawn to the RLC initially because it seemed like a close knit group. Their youtube video was awesome! Any advice from people familiar with both?</p>

<p>WAJ doesn’t actually require you to do anything. The RLC takes a class. The RLC gets suites at the moment, but that could change in the future. WAJ is a building of traditional rooms.</p>