Residential Leadership Community

<p>Im considering attending Virginia Tech in the fall and I plan to major in Animal Science/Pre-vet...I was curious if anyone had any personal experience with the residential leadership community, because I am very interested in applying to RLC :)</p>

<p>My daughter was in the RLC as a freshman two years ago and her brother will be attending in Fall 2010 - she suggested that he not select the RLC because she felt he would meet more people in a dorm that wasn’t in the suite style. Everytime I visited her in her dorm, I do remember thinking that it was odd that the doors were all closed as I walked down the hallway. I remember my college dorm (2 beds per room) you could walk up and down the hallways and open doors were an invitation for socializing. The AC was nice but really in Tech, it cools quickly in the fall and slow to warm in the Spring - may not miss that much</p>

<p>I agree, as much as my DD wants a suite, her brother at another college said the same thing. He stated the only real perk is for studying because suites buffer noise more than the traditional dorm hallways.</p>

<p>I also agree that part of the fun, at least back in my day, was you would walk past a room and just pop in your head to say hi for a minute, 3 hours later you left!</p>

<p>The other thing to remember is suites for some can be suffocating. An extrovert and an introvert will view the experience completely different.</p>

<p>Also, if AC is a biggie just bring two oscillating fans and you will be fine.</p>

<p>Now that i think of it, I should consider the fact about the socializing because thats important to me. Im beginning to reconsider RLC now, I would probably be better off in the traditional dorms… Thanks for the info guys!!</p>

<p>Today my daughter said that the RLC was good if you wanted to get involved in student government - and obviously that would lead to many social activities</p>