resources for helping your child explore majors

Check to see if any of the colleges she is interested in have a freshman course that introduces engineering
disciplines, similar to Manhattan College. When he was a junior in HS, my son and a few friends attended their summer program exploring the various engineering disciplines. My son discovered what was most interesting to him. He’s now graduating with a Material Science and Engineering degree from another university. His other friends decided on Mechanical or Industrial engineering because of the program. One decided engineering wasn’t for him…valuable lessons!

One thing she can do is to look at a college/university’s list of majors offered, from A-Z. She can then look to see which courses are taken for ideas. At this stage she may go through phases. It only matters once she is in college- one needs to narrow down choices. It will probably become evident by HS senior year which general fields most appeal to her, we STEM vs humanities/social sciences. Many more schools ask for a major on applications now- part of having focus/direction for the student.