Resources to help my son pick Freshamn classes?

<p>Hey there...talking with my son last night (Class of 2017), to be honest he is still not quite sure EXACTLY which way he is going...although it is likely to be in the business/prelaw/polysci vein...are there any resources currently available through the college for registered, incoming freshman to help with constructing a Freshman year course selection gameplan when all that he curently has is a general idea of what his interests are?</p>


<p>That’s where the advisors come in. Essentially, you don’t get to actually “pick” your classes first semester freshman year. You pick your preferences, and the school makes a schedule for you based on those preferences. You then meet with your advisor during orientation to fine-tune your schedule. Your advisor will be one of your most valuable resources throughout your college career; they’ll help you pick the classes that you need, help you in scheduling your semester, and just help you with general questions. I’m basically friends with my advisor, and I can email her about anything pretty much. So don’t worry too much about what classes your son picks now, it’ll probably change before next semester starts. If he’s looking to get a head-start though, I know the Marine Science department has an advising guide that can be found online that gives the classes required and a suggested 4-year schedule. I’m sure you could probably find something like that for the business school as well. Good luck to your son!</p>

<p>I am very confused about how the course selection works. We followed instructions about choosing courses and putting them in a “shopping basket”. My D is a business major and there is a clear listing of the classes she should take each year so she followed that. She picked the actual sessions of each class that gave her a schedule she liked and they all had seats available. She even waitlisted heself for one that is currently full. So are you saying that she won’t actually end up with these classes once she meets with her advisor? Why would she be given a different schedule than the one that she picked based on the requirements given to her by the business school? </p>

<p>Also, is there an opportunity to speak with your advisor prior to orientation?</p>

<p>And if they don’t get the final schedule until orientation, then it seems like there isn’t time to shop around online for discounted textbooks?</p>

<p>Your D will definitely have an appointment with her advisor as part of her orientation schedule. You are now making her preferences known. Your D may have AP/IB credits coming her way from her senior year. My DS is finishing his freshman year in the Business school- Finance/Accounting. Do not worry the professors will give students time to purchase their books. Your D is in amazing hands! Please believe this! They are as committed to her having a happy and academically successful freshman year as you are!!!</p>



<p>Chances are those times/dates that she picked won’t be what she gets; at least you can’t bet on it. Advisors look over the preference selections made by incoming freshmen, then also take into account their individual situations (major, AP credits, Foote Fellow, etc.) to devise a suitable schedule. At orientation, students pick up their schedule and can then meet with an advisor afterwards if needed; if they’re happy with the schedule, they have no need to meet with an advisor if they don’t want to. </p>

<p>There is no meeting with advisors prior to orientation.</p>

<p>As the person above posted, your student is in good hands. I know parents and incoming freshman are anxious to “control the experience” and make every little decision themselves (I was there once) but just have faith in the system. The admissions, orientation, advising and beyond at UMiami is amazing, and once you’re here you realize “why did I ever worry.” Just indicate the preferences then relax! </p>

<p>There’s still plenty of time to order books between picking up the schedule and classes starting. offers free Prime membership (free shipping) for 6 months or something for students – definitely something to take advantage of.</p>

<p>From the UM website:
For fall 2013 enrollment, the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment will be available to incoming students beginning May 1st until August 1st.
You need to know which math to register for before orientation.
Did you know that the window for UM freshmen to take math placement opened 2 days ago?
Go to the UM website and search “math placement test” to find out if your student is exempt.
Take time to read everything you can find pertaining to incoming students, put important dates on a calender and come back to the UMwebsite often for new info.
You can’t wait for emails from the school before you take action.</p>

<p>Math placement exams are also offered during orientation.

More like “you need to let the advisors know which math to place you in.” Either way, as I said, placement exams take place during orientation in the event that someone is unsatisfied with their placement when they receive their schedule.</p>

<p>Ok. Should one take the exam now or wait for AP results in July?( doing cal 2) . Second: my son put all his courses in the shopping cart but was not able to enroll. Is that enough to show preference?</p>