Result for September ACT

<p>Do you know if my son will have enough time to check the result of his September ACT with writing and send it to his ED school by Nov. 1?</p>

<p>The Collegeboard says the score for the writing part comes much later than the multiple choice part so I am afraid that it would be too late...</p>

<p>Are you referring to the SAT or ACT? Collegeboard makes the SAT.</p>

<p>If you’re talking about the ACT, the essay score will be included on the paper that comes in the mail, but the score may show up online up to a week or so after the other scores.</p>

<p>I got my essay score the first day that they posted scores online.</p>

<p>yes, his ACT should be scored on time for the priority filing period. Scores usually come back within 2 weeks. He might even have time to take the october test and still have time to send it in for ED.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone for the replies…</p>