Resurrecting the Housing Topic

There’s a lot to research for on-campus residential living. Northside, Southside, modular, etc. etc.
So, I would like your opinions.

Not considering cost, which on-campus housing do you like and why?
What dorms are on the Northside and what dorms are on the Southside? (which side is most popular with students?)

(I see Hullabaloo mentioned a lot. Is that north or south side? Is that usually filled up by now?)

Thanks for your opinions. I have phase 2 to pick dorm this Thursday, but will not be able to tour campus until the spring.

Oh @4family4 You will put down your ideals for housing but you won’t select housing until April or May. You’ll just put down preferences for now. Hullabaloo is the newest so that’s why it’s popular and yes, on the Northside. Go online and you’ll get a great layout of all of the dorms and some pics as well. Everyone has their own preference. My son wanted his own room but roommates too so he went with White Creek. It’s west campus but he loved it.

As for north side or south side, it just depends on what your student wants. South side has the Commons eatery and MSC. North side has Sbisa, the underground and northgate. Both are probably equal distance to Evans library. If you’re an Ag major, then you may have more classes on West campus and therefore White Creek is a good option or Northside.

Modulars are very popular because the rooms are HUGE and you have a bathroom only shared by you and roomie. Commons are suite style so 4 to a bathroom. AND the rooms are tiny but manageable.

Thank you @AggieMomhelp

@TamuEngineer @AggieMomhelp et al.
Same situation. Parent. Freshman son going into Engineering. Not considering $$, seems like it’s down to:

  • Hullabaloo - big and nice and shiny
  • Commons - closer to Engineering classes.


  1. Hullabaloo seems the best option but does that mean that 90% of his engineering peers will be in the Commons?
  2. Sleep-walks / talks in sleep so suite is best option, so no conflict with roommate. Again…Hullabaloo, right? (Whitecreek is an option but so far away… taking buses every day, right? maybe not awesome?)
  3. If Commons is the better option, Mosher seems best as I can tell.
  4. The modular ones…I just don’t get how they compare to the ones above.
  5. Balcony dorms / ramps… look older and maybe not great??

Appreciate any insight or help you can offer.

  1. Hullabaloo does have many options for one room with bathroom mate or roomies and bathroom mates, etc. It is shinier than others, but ehh… it’s not that fantastic and it fills up really fast.
  2. My son was in White creek. Once he was on the bus and on main campus, it wasn’t really an issue. They don’t necessarily go back and forth to their class and dorm. He would go eat or hit the library if he had down time. White Creek also has a mini MSC with GREAT food, study rooms, game rooms, basketball, computer labs etc.
  3. All the commons are the same. And they are tiny. Modulars are huge with “hard wood” floors and lots of closet space (for a dorm). AND it’s own bathroom. So 2 people to a bathroom vs. 4 (in the commons).
  4. Modulars are second to go after Hullabaloo
    5)Correct… very old but tons of dorm spirit. Haven’t met anyone who didn’t like where they ended up. It’s all in what you make of it!

Phew… hope that helped cause my hand is now cramping!

haha! thank you @AggieMomhelp :smile:
… so Modular, if I’m reading you right, sounds like the better option, aside from Hullabaloo…except, of course, for White Creek.

Last clarifying question, on the point of White Creek:
As an incoming freshman, do you feel that it’s TOO “isolated” and would inhibit him from meeting lots of new friends/social? Compared to the traditional “dorm experience” with LLCs meetings, little parties, or whatever… dorm-spirit, kids running around together etc?

IMO cost is a big factor, housing x is double the cost of housing y. Make sure to clarify with the bill payers that this isn’t a thing.

@fiddlestix totally disagree. I had friends kids who were south side modulates and he said he knew Absolutely no one on his floor. Always quiet.

My son said the opposite. They would have people over from other rooms because they had more room to hang out in the apartments.

Most dorms try to have social events for meet and greets but it’s up to the kids to put themselves out there.

I would say the engineering llc was nice for a friend of mine cause they could leave a question on their door about hw and someone would usually answer it or put their number down to call or just knock. Kinda cool. But really they will all form study groups. It’s amazing how it all just works itself out.

@AggieMomhelp Awesome! This is all very helpful! Thank you so much for all the insight! :smile:

@FiddleStyx My son is in engineering and has been at White Creek since freshman year. It is actually newer then Hullabaloo and they have staff that do event/parties etc. just like the dorms. It has three large buildings of apartments so there are lots of kids living there but it does have a quieter feel then the commons or other dorm clusters, which my son preferred. He never feels like he has to find a library to study, he has his own room. The internet seems to have issues on campus from time to time but White Creek seems more immune to that then other spots because his friends would camp out in his apartment when that happened. Another plus is you have laundry in your own room so don’t have to go anywhere or wait. The big negative to White Creek is either the long walk, wait for bus or bike ride to campus. My son has his own bike and this is not an issue for him; he never takes the bus. My son did mention that some dorms seem to flood fairly often and this year they had to relocate a bunch of kids from the first floor in the commons because of flooding.