Retake AP Bio or move on

I am currently advising a high school student who received a “D” in her first semester and “C” in her second semester of AP Biology. I believe that means her first semester of AP Biology is not validated and will not count toward her A-G requirements, while the 2nd semester that she received a “C” will count toward the A-G requirement.

Her counselor recommended that instead of retaking AP Biology to replace her 1st semester grade, she should take AP Physics instead. I do not believe she is ready for AP Physics, so I do not feel that would be in her best interest. But in terms of college admissions counselors, I am wondering if they prefer 1) a student replace a failed semester or 2) simply move on and demonstrate performance elsewhere, assuming that she will get the same grades for both?

I know this question is rather hypothetical, but any comments would be appreciated. I personally believe retaking the course to demonstrate commitment will look better but would like to hear others’ thoughts.

Thank you!

Retaking the course will be in the student’s best interest especially if they are targeting the California UC’s and CSU’s and the course was taken in either 10-11th grades since the a-g course requirements are mentioned. UC’s and CSU’s only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation so 1 D could hurt their chances if the course/grade is not repeated and replaced. Another is if the student plans to major in a science related field, a good understanding of Biology will most likely be needed and doing well in the course a 2nd time will reinforce that information.

Edited: Sorry missed the “asking for a friend”.

Closing thread. For privacy reasons, “asking for a friend” posts are not allowed. The student is welcome to open her own account to ask her own questions.